Comment function on


I have an idea for an extra on Maybe an "comment function". We can see blogs and our topics but if i make a comment on a topic of another Person, it is not listed anywhere. In my opinion it is hard to find it again after a while.

Hop You understood it. Is it possible to add This kind of function?


I have an idea for an extra on Maybe an "comment function". We can see blogs and our topics but if i make a comment on a topic of another Person, it is not listed anywhere. In my opinion it is hard to find it again after a while.

Hop You understood it. Is it possible to add This kind of function?

You can simply mark all posts where you insert a comment as "Favorite"... click on Favorites and you'll have a complete list with all the posts where you have comments...

Solicito ayuda por favor,Si me suscribo a unas señales,estas se copian  a mi mt4,sin intervencion humana??.He tratado de hacerlo sin exito.

En señales de pago se cobra el valor mensual al suscribirme?Tengo saldo en mi cuenta MQL5 y no lo descuenta.Alguien me ayuda por favor.

Gracias .saludos. 

okay :) many thanks:)