Strategy Tester Report not found - page 11

Thanks to all the chat folks I was wondering where I messed up an update as my EA already passed earlier. 
Yeah same here... can publish new update for my clients.
I have same error

Same Problem 

Strategy Tester report not found

same error
Hello, im waiting from yesterday always receive "strategy tester report not found"

, also cant create an ticket i need to update my product.

The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
Before any product is published in the Market, it must undergo compulsory preliminary checks in order to ensure a uniform quality standard. This article considers the most frequent errors made by developers in their technical indicators and trading robots. An also shows how to self-test a product before sending it to the Market.

Please, MODERATOR.. solve this issue. I have read all the articles. Also have run the Code Profiler several times and optimized the code to the extreme. And this ERROR continues. I even downloaded the lastest validated version, changed just string variables that cause no effect on the EA's operational logic and, again, this "strategy tester report not found" ERROR happened.


Francisco Rayol #:

Please, MODERATOR.. solve this issue. I have read all the articles. Also have run the Code Profiler several times and optimized the code to the extreme. And this ERROR continues. I even downloaded the lastest validated version, changed just string variables that cause no effect on the EA's operational logic and, again, this "strategy tester report not found" ERROR happened.


  • So, if it is bug in validator so the service desk will fix it;
  • if it is not bug in validator - you should fix your EA to pass the validation.

Read post (one user already reported to the service desk yesterday so - wait).
And I asked the service desk now.

But please note that last bug in validator for this issue was 2 and half year ago.

Error during the update of Expert Meta 4
Error during the update of Expert Meta 4
  • 2023.02.27
Hello, I have been trying to update my expert and put it on the site for 24 hours. Metatrader 5 was easily updated...
Seems there are a lot of errors in the final time.. More are struggling that online validation in order to update or publish a product !
Same error. Request MQL to fix it fast. The error is since yeaterday afternoon IST. Thanks