Indicators: Correlation phasor


Correlation phasor:

Correlation phasor

Correlation phasor

Author: Mladen Rakic

Does Ehler not say to go long when angle > 0, and go short when angle < 0, which is the opposite of what I see given the coloring? "The implication of this is that when the market is in a cycle mode you want to be in a long position if the angle is less than zero and you want to be in a short position if the angle is greater than zero."
Does Ehler not say to go long when angle > 0, and go short when angle < 0, which is the opposite of what I see given the coloring? "The implication of this is that when the market is in a cycle mode you want to be in a long position if the angle is less than zero and you want to be in a short position if the angle is greater than zero."

Please read the comment provided with this indicator and then read the article again. Ehlers never made a phasor as a standalone indicator, and, as you can see with your own eyes when you place the indicator at the chart, there is nothing to be changed in the way how phasor indicator is colored

Other than that, years of reading what he tells learned us that when he makes something, we have to take what he tells afterwards with a grain of salt (since, in many cases, he seems to be missing the point of his own work - maybe as a lack of trading experience)


I misspelled in my first comment: I meant to say Ehler is saying to go long when angle is LESS than 0, and Short when angle is GREATER than 0, as the quote I inserted from Ehlers article suggests. Essentially, the cycle is going from peak to valley when angle > 0 (sell signal), and valley to peak when angle < 0 (buy signal), which is not what your indicator is showing. Like you said, this phasor shouldn't be used all the time, only for when market is in cycle mode, but from comparing what Ehler is saying about this phasor, the coloring doesn't seem to correspond to what he's saying.