Australia waives payroll tax


Australia waives payroll tax

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that the Australian government would call the states to eliminate payroll taxes as a part of the plan to accelerate the country's development and to create jobs.

"I’d love the states to get rid of the payroll tax," he said. They "have also got their own balance sheets, and their own economic capacity, and we’ve already announced very significant support, and will continue to look at opportunities, but the states will be required to do more I suspect going forward as well."


Australia Will Urge States to Scrap Payroll Tax, Treasurer Says
Australia Will Urge States to Scrap Payroll Tax, Treasurer Says
  • 2020.05.30
  • Jackie Edwards
Australia’s government will call on states to eliminate payroll taxes as part of the nation’s efforts to jump-start the economy and create jobs, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.