any hedge tool or ea to minimize any loose position has open by another ea - page 4

Keith Watford:

Waffle waffle blah blah blah.

Just admit it. You can't give a simple answer to the simple question can you?

I knew that already. That is because it is not possible to reduce the loss on a trade by "hedging".

Your behavior is not suitable for the moderator


Your behavior is not suitable for the moderator

I am primarily a forum user like you.

I get frustrated when people absolutely refuse to answer a simple question because they would have to admit that they are wrong. Instead they go off on a tangent and write all sorts of stuff unrelated to the question in an attempt to fudge the issue.


Of course, mathematically you're 100% right

But real trading is not only mathematics

I was willing to test your EA can you share

Of course, mathematically you're 100% right

But real trading is not only mathematics

Thank you for admitting it.

Of course, real trading is not just mathematics and "hedging" is not real trading. As I said earlier, any strategy that uses "hedging" and makes profits, it is not the "hedging" aspect that creates any profit.

It makes profit despite the "hedging" not because of it.


1. Using hedging as the only and main strategy ( based avoid loss ) is never logical, so the subject asked it.

2. However, hedging orders, on the basis of different strategies, may make sense in the same or correlated pairs.

They are different logic for traders but both are hedging as a result.

number 1 is either hedging strategy or hedged position

number 2 is only hedged position.

Andreas Bauer:

Again an interesting conversation about hedging.

It's actually always the same:

Some people, that think they can grab something out of the markets, without doing much for it [opening trades without any technical logic, but by mathematical assumptions]

and others that say, that all mathematical calculations speak against it.

I personally think, that hedging is dangerous, as you never know where this trade-basket is going to end...

Like grid/martingale...

But who knows?

Maybe hedging works, if you are lucky.

It's the same discussion which occurs all the time, on all kind of matters, between believers and scientists. It's actually a complete waste of time because there is no way to discuss beliefs rationally.

The only interest is for newcomers, which have a scientist mind, but not yet the knowledge or the experience. They could learn something.

Alain Verleyen:

It's the same discussion which occurs all the time, on all kind of matters, between believers and scientists. It's actually a complete waste of time because there is no way to discuss beliefs rationally.

The only interest is for newcomers, which have a scientist mind, but not yet the knowledge or the experience. They could learn something.

Well said.

A hedging system in trading is similar to a component approach in programming
Mathematically, any set of functions can be replaced by one equivalent function
But division into functions gives clean code
Likewise, a hedging system provides clean business logic
Everyone chooses his own way of life