Off-topic posts - page 9


Hello there

I can't download the indicator I want directly from Meta Trader 4

Please help me how to do this, I have 6 different meters but it doesn't run any of them to move the indicator to the Market section in the indicators section, I even ran Meta trader directly but it still didn't work.


i need this indicator 

SafariA Alizad: i need …
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Alain Verleyen:

And what that means to close an order in your opinion ?

Your reasoning is wrong, you need to take into account all the participants.

what about it ?

you close your buy, and there is another buyer who gets his order filled, then he closes when the price goes up.

where is the problem ? nobody loses

it's not the same person at the opening of the trade and at the close...which would be a problem if it was
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Symbol Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Symbol Properties
To obtain the current market information there are several functions: SymbolInfoInteger(), SymbolInfoDouble() and SymbolInfoString(). The first parameter is the symbol name, the values of the second function parameter can be one of the identifiers of ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_INTEGER, ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_DOUBLE and ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_STRING. Some symbols...
Hi guys !
Any one know C++. 
I have an issue about martingale, if a buying signal shows up, the EA enter the trade, if it's a loss martingale is activated for step 1,2,3...etc till it wins... but the problem is for exmple in step 3 a sell signal shows up the martingale keeps buying insted of selling and ading the step 3 amount into the sell!?

To be more claire here's an exmple:
Buys $2.. lost , step 1 martingale buys again $4 ...lost, step 2 mtg buys again $12 ... lost , in step 3 sell signal shows up martingale buys with $36 instead of selling with $36!?

Can anyone have an idea to add an Else If condition??
Show the relevant code if you want assistance.
Keith Watford:
Show the relevant code if you want assistance.

Here it is:

// if signal UP (CALL)

   if (AutoSignal && signal(up) && Time[0] > sendOnce) {
      mt2trading (asset, "CALL", TradeAmount, ExpiryMinutes, MartingaleType, MartingaleSteps, MartingaleCoef, Broker, SignalName, signalID);
      Print ("CALL - Signal sent!" + (MartingaleType != NoMartingale ? " [Martingale: Steps " + IntegerToString(MartingaleSteps) + ", Coefficient " + DoubleToString(MartingaleCoef,2) + "]" : ""));
      sendOnce = Time[0]; // Time stamp flag to avoid duplicated trades      
   // if signal DOWN (PUT)
   if (AutoSignal && signal(dn) && Time[0] > sendOnce) {
      mt2trading (asset, "PUT", TradeAmount, ExpiryMinutes, MartingaleType, MartingaleSteps, MartingaleCoef, Broker, SignalName, signalID);
      Print ("PUT - Signal sent!" + (MartingaleType != NoMartingale ? " [Martingale: Steps " + IntegerToString(MartingaleSteps) + ", Coefficient " + DoubleToString(MartingaleCoef,2) + "]" : ""));
      sendOnce = Time[0]; // Time stamp flag to avoid duplicated trades
   //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call


Hope you can help


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

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Sergey Golubev:

I just got banned from the other account for no reason, 

By the way i managed to creat new one, so please i need an answer before i get banned again for no reason

// if signal UP (CALL)
   if (AutoSignal && signal(up) && Time[0] > sendOnce) {
      mt2trading (asset, "CALL", TradeAmount, ExpiryMinutes, MartingaleType, MartingaleSteps, MartingaleCoef, Broker, SignalName, signalID);
      Print ("CALL - Signal sent!" + (MartingaleType != NoMartingale ? " [Martingale: Steps " + IntegerToString(MartingaleSteps) + ", Coefficient " + DoubleToString(MartingaleCoef,2) + "]" : ""));
      sendOnce = Time[0]; // Time stamp flag to avoid duplicated trades      
   // if signal DOWN (PUT)
   if (AutoSignal && signal(dn) && Time[0] > sendOnce) {
      mt2trading (asset, "PUT", TradeAmount, ExpiryMinutes, MartingaleType, MartingaleSteps, MartingaleCoef, Broker, SignalName, signalID);
      Print ("PUT - Signal sent!" + (MartingaleType != NoMartingale ? " [Martingale: Steps " + IntegerToString(MartingaleSteps) + ", Coefficient " + DoubleToString(MartingaleCoef,2) + "]" : ""));
      sendOnce = Time[0]; // Time stamp flag to avoid duplicated trades
   //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

I just got banned from the other account for no reason, 

By the way i managed to creat new one, so please i need an answer before i get banned again for no reason

It is not allowed to have multiple user names.

You asked your initial question

Sam Sb:

and then followed up as


so I guess that there was a reason. Weren't you notified of the reason?

I was searching for the topic then I found it here. 😂✔✔