I build indicators for free

Hello, i'm learning to code indicators, if you have any strategy i can build it for free. I only ask one thing, please check if the strategy looks good before asking me to code it.
wevertonh i can build it for free.

Really? Less than a month ago you posted decompiled code and needed help with "Not all control paths return a value" error.


First: I said i'm learning

Second: I learn fast

Third: Why you're so annoying? If you're not willing to say something usefull better to say nothing. You're being like this for years in this forum   go find something else to do


First: I said i'm learning

Second: I learn fast

Third: Why you're so annoying? If you're not willing to say something usefull better to say nothing. You're being like this for years in this forum   go find something else to do

Haha. Kinda true anyway. :)

William Roeder:

Really? Less than a month ago you posted decompiled code and needed help with "Not all control paths return a value" error.

indeed true

Hello, i'm learning to code indicators, if you have any strategy i can build it for free. I only ask one thing, please check if the strategy looks good before asking me to code it.

First: I said i'm learning

Second: I learn fast

Third: Why you're so annoying? If you're not willing to say something usefull better to say nothing. You're being like this for years in this forum   go find something else to do

America city closed ~ He got lot of time >,<