Write logging data to text file? - page 3

Alain Verleyen:

You have to understand experienced programmers are reading every day, a lot of assumptions like yours. "It's not possible, it's not working, must be an mql5 bug, or the bug in this library, etc...", all the possible reasons EXCEPT the own responsibility of the coder. And guess what, 99% of the time it IS a coder fault, bug or misunderstanding. The biggest one is NOT READ the documentation (or not correctly). Which is exactly your problem.

When you try to help people, it's a bit irritating to read always similar things and see the same behaviour. A good coder is humble, he knows there is a great chance it is his own work which lead to an issue. Bugs in mql4/mql5 or MT4/MT5 happens, but it's rare compared to the number of times are claiming something is not working or not possible.

Read the documentation again about how mql5 works with files with the Strategy Tester, I am sure you will find the answer and be proud of you

A bit of help :

Thanks for your remarks. I was not complaining about MT5/MQL5 bugs or behaviour. I see that kind of behaviour also on other forums: complaining about the software while it is not the software that is causing issues.
Keith Watford:

I see nothing wrong with the tone of my post, whereas I do see something wrong with posting incorrect information.

Text will not be added to an existing file unless it is in the correct folder.

During the backtest, you will find that a new file with the same name was created in the tester file  folder. Search for the file using File Explorer.

You are correct. I'm sorry. It was not clear to me where to look for the file. William Roeder made it clear to me in which area to look.