Something Interesting to Read July 2014


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Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting to Read June 2014

matfx, 2014.06.27 08:37

Trading Exchanges Market Microstructure Practitioners : Larry Harris

This book is about trading, the people who trade securities and contracts, the marketplaces where they trade, and the rules that govern it. Readers will learn about investors, brokers, dealers, arbitrageurs, retail traders, day traders, rogue traders, and gamblers; exchanges, boards of trade, dealer networks, ECNs (electronic communications networks), crossing markets, and pink sheets. Also covered in this text are single price auctions, open outcry auctions, and brokered markets limit orders, market orders, and stop orders. Finally, the author covers the areas of program trades, block trades, and short trades, price priority, time precedence, public order precedence, and display precedence, insider trading, scalping, and bluffing, and investing, speculating, and gambling.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting to Read June 2014

matfx, 2014.06.28 08:35

Inside The Black Box : Rishi K Narang

Whether you call it quant, algo, or black box trading, it all adds up to the same thing: systematic trading performed by computers.

While some decry it as dangerously detached from human control, and a driver of excessive volatility in the markets, others see quantitative trading as a welcome departure from the unruly passions and cognitive biases that inform human investment decision making.

Say what you will about quant trading, the fact is, overall, quant funds consistently outperform the markets—which may be why so many smart investors are keen to avail themselves of that black box magic.

Unfortunately, much remains obscure about quantitative trading, thanks in great part to the extreme guardedness of quants when it comes to the details of how their systems work. But, as quant-trader and master explainer Rishi Narang deftly shows in this updated edition of his bestselling guide, quantitative trading is much easier to understand and take advantage of than you think.

Designed to make quantitative trading comprehensible to even the most math- or technophobic investor, this book takes you on a guided tour inside the black box. In plain English, Mr. Narang turns the lights up on what the quants are up to, once and for all lifting the veil of mystery surrounding quantitative trading and quantitative trading strategies.

Following a concise introduction to quantitative trading principles and general practices, Mr. Narang cuts to the chase with a detailed inventory of the contents of a typical black box system, explaining, in non-technical terms, what each one is and how it fits together with the others.

Then, with the help of numerous real-world examples and lively anecdotes, he clearly explains:

  • The most common quant system structures
  • How quants capture alpha
  • The level of discretion in quant trading
  • High-frequency trading and the infrastructure that supports it
  • Execution algorithms and how they work
  • How quants model risk and how to know if a particular model really works
  • The important difference between theory-driven systems vs. data-mining strategies
  • How to evaluate quant managers and their strategies
  • How quant strategies can fit into an overall portfolio strategy—and why they're so important
  • Current and future trends in quant trading and the role it will play in the years ahead

A book that lifts the lid on black box trading, making it transparent, intuitively sensible, and readily understandable, Inside the Black Box is a must-read for institutional investors, asset managers, investment advisors, pension fund managers, and all savvy investors looking to gain an edge in today's turbulent financial markets.


The Holy Grail Trading System

The true story of a 100% mechanical automated forex trading system that returned over 1000% inside 13 months turning 10,000 GBP to over 100,000 GBP

In 2005 I discovered what I believed was the ultimate financial trading system using the foreign exchange market ( known as the forex market )

To be the ultimate 'Holy Grail' foreign exchange trading system it would have the ability to automatically trade and have zero discretion with no technical analysis or reliance on technical indicators. In short, a 100% mechanical trading system in which the person using it does not matter, the result will be the same.

It would be a currency trading system that takes away the problems of trading psychology. It does not care if you are having a bad day, are on holiday, or if you have had an argument with your partner in the last hour. The trading entries, exits, trailing stops and risk management must have no user input whatsoever. All the user has to do is switch it on and wait.

The trading forums of the internet are full of people searching for this ultimate trading system. Thousands of traders every day search, test and simulate for hours using forex analysis looking for this 'golden egg' laying goose. Most believe that such a trading strategy does not exist nor ever has. This book is here to prove to you that such a trading system did exist and was discovered by a few home based forex traders just like you.

It can be found again.

Here is our question to you.

"What would you do if you found such a simple day trading system?" One that worked month after month? One that had proved itself not just for weeks or months, but for years?

How much would you risk?
How would you trade it?
How would your emotions handle such a 'guaranteed' trading system?

Well, Not only does this trading book tell the story of how the trading system was built, it also gives you the full trading system and strategy, for the very first time.

The actual Forex trading methodology has remained a closely guarded secret for over 10 years! For the first time ever nothing is held back,

Fully Disclosed...

Trade by trade entry levels
Trading timeframes
Trade exit levels
Optimum risk management strategy
Trailing stop settings
Full results and account screenshots

Could you be the next trader to find a Holy Grail system? The clues are all here.

You Will Discover...

What changes you should be wary of when trading your forex strategies
What happens to your mind when all of your hard work comes together - the trading psychology
What happens when everything looks wrong
The true reason for a trading system failing (hint: it mostly isn't the system)

Their very personal story unfolds within these pages, step by step and month by month, demonstrating how their discovery changed them forever. With full disclosure for the very first time this book shows every trade, every change, every high and every low of a Forex trading system called simply 'Grail'

Who Should Buy This Book?

System traders
Foreign Exchange traders
Trading system developers
Home based retail traders
Those developing Forex autotrading strategies.


The Problem of HFT - Collected Writings on High Frequency Trading & Stock Market Structure Reform : Haim Bodek

This book explores the problem of high frequency trading (HFT) as well as the need for US stock market reform. This collection of previously published and unpublished materials includes the following articles and white papers:

1. The Problem of HFT - explains how HFTs came to dominate US equity markets by exploiting artificial advantages introduced by electronic exchanges that catered to HFT strategies

2. HFT Scalping Strategies - describes the primary features of modern HFT strategies currently active in US equities as well as the benefits these strategies extract from the maker-taker market model and the regulatory framework of the national market system

3. Why HFTs Have an Advantage - explains the critical importance of HFT-oriented special order types and exchange order matching engine practices in the operation of modern HFT strategies

4. HFT - A Systemic Issue - a discussion of the latest industry and regulatory developments with regard to exchange order matching practices that serve to advantage HFTs over the public customer

5. Electronic Liquidity Strategy - proposes a conceptual framework for institutional traders to achieve superior execution performance in HFT-oriented electronic market venues

6. Reforming the National Market System - proposes a 10-step plan for strengthening the operation of the US equities marketplace in order to serve the needs of long-term investors

7. NZZ Interview with Haim Bodek - addresses current topics and proposals for US equities market structure reforms

8. TradeTech Interview with Haim Bodek - addresses the current status of the HFT special order type debate


Haim Bodek is a Managing Principal of Decimus Capital Markets, LLC, a tactical consulting and strategic advisory firm focused on high frequency trading and US equities market structure.

Mr. Bodek was formerly a founder and Chief Executive Officer of Trading Machines LLC, an independent high frequency options trading firm. Prior to TM, Mr. Bodek was a Managing Director and Joint Global Head of Electronic Volatility Trading at UBS Investment Bank. He is an electronic trading executive and algorithmic trading strategist with 15 years of experience in the automated trading space.

Mr. Bodek's career, experiences, and advocacy for US stock market regulatory reform are described extensively in Dark Pools by Scott Patterson, freelance writer and staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting to Read April 2014

newdigital, 2014.04.25 08:45

Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business (Wiley Trading)

While institutional traders continue to implement quantitative (or algorithmic) trading, many independent traders have wondered if they can still challenge powerful industry professionals at their own game? The answer is "yes," and in Quantitative Trading, Dr. Ernest Chan, a respected independent trader and consultant, will show you how. Whether you're an independent "retail" trader looking to start your own quantitative trading business or an individual who aspires to work as a quantitative trader at a major financial institution, this practical guide contains the information you need to succeed.


A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading : Anna Coulling

If you aspire to becoming a full time forex trader, then this is the book for you. Even if your dream is perhaps more modest, and you simply want to have a second income trading the forex markets, then again, this book is for you. It has been written with one clear objective in mind. To explain how and why currencies move in the way that they do, using the combined power of relational, technical and fundamental analysis. Combine this with a three dimensional approach to trading itself, using multiple time frames and multiple chart analysis, and the world of foreign exchange will become crystal clear. Many aspiring traders, simply do not realize that the forex market sits at the heart of the financial world, which, when you think about it logically, is really common sense. After all, this is the biggest money market in the world, and if the financial markets are about one thing, they are about money. Making it, protecting it, or increasing the return. It’s no surprise therefore, that the forex market connects all the others. It is the central axis of the financial world, around which all the others spin. In the book, you will discover how changes in market sentiment in the primary markets of commodities, stocks, bonds and equities, are then reflected in the currency markets. This is something which often surprises novice traders. After all, why look at a stock index, or the price of gold, or a bond market? The answer is very simple. It is in these markets where you will find all the clues and signals, which then reveal money flow. After all, the financial markets are all about risk. In other words, higher returns for higher risk, or lower returns for lower risk. It really is that simple. And yet, how many forex traders ever consider associated markets. The answer is very few. You will be one of those enlightened traders who truly understands money flow and risk, and your confidence as a trader will grow exponentially as a result. And in case you were wondering, this is NOT another book explaining forex trading strategies. In fact there are none at all, surprising given the book's length. If this is what you are looking for, please DO NOT buy this book. It has been written for two specific audiences. The first is the novice forex trader, for whom this is a new market. The second is the forex trader who has attempted to trade in foreign exchange, but failed, and has been left confused by the apparent random and chaotic behavior of this volatile market. Reading this book will provide you with a deep understanding of how and why the markets move in the way they do. Whilst the forex market is a complex mix, it is not complicated, once you understand the people, their motives and the currencies themselves. Each chapter builds on the last in a logical sequence, and every topic is explained in a simple and clear way. Even those markets such as bonds, which few traders ever understand, are explained very simply. Every topic is illustrated with clearly annotated charts, to help and guide you as you learn. Equally important is the concept of change. Indeed you may have other books on your bookshelf written many years ago and explaining how the forex market works. Well, as you will discover, the rule book has been torn up. No longer is this a simple market of trending currency pairs. This all changed in the financial tsunami which engulfed the world in 2007/2008, and with it the forex world changed too! If this is news to you, then yet another reason to buy the book. Long gone are the days when currency pairs meandered their way higher and lower in long term trends, driven by interest rate differentials. To take advantage, you need to understand the forces which now drive the markets. A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading will empower you with knowledge. Knowledge and confidence go hand in hand. Confidence breeds success, and success breeds money, which will then flow from reading the book - Anna


Elliott Wave Principle : Key To Market Behavior

Developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott in the 1930s and '40s, the Elliott Wave Principle is a powerful analytical tool for forecasting stock market behavior. The basic concept behind the Wave Principle is that stock market prices rise and fall in discernible patterns and that those patterns can be linked together into waves.

In the years since it was first published, this classic guide to the Elliott Wave Principle has acquired a cult status among technical analysts, worldwide. And with each new edition, the authors have refined and enhanced the principle, while retaining all the predictions from past editions.

The 20th Anniversay Edition includes a special foreword and enhanced text. It’s the final revision of a classic.

"Elliott Wave Principle is simply the best description and validation of a concept which by all rights should be revolutionizing the scientific study of history and sociology." –JWG, New York

"Elliott Wave Principle is such an important, fascinating, even mind-bending work, we are convinced that is should be read by any and every serious student of the market, be they fundamentalist or technician, dealing in stocks, bonds or commodities." –Market Decision$

"Even allowing for minor stumbles, that 1978 prediction must go down as the most remarkable stock market prediction of all time." –James W. Cowan, Monitor Money Review

"Elliott Wave Principle is the greatest work of any kind, anywhere. It has helped me abandon speculative stock tips and stockbroker newsletter recommendations for my own predictions based on the simple wave theory." –J.V.

"I have just received my copy of Elliott Wave Principle and find it to be unquestionably the best book and explanation regarding the works of Elliott that I’ve ever seen." –J.B.B.

"I have recently read and reread Elliott Wave Principle. I was impressed with the research and especially thrilled with the excitement of coming into contact with a truly original concept." –M.F.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting to Read December 2013

newdigital, 2013.12.20 09:13

Kathy Lien :

Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market Moves 

Discover a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market with the Second Edition of Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market. In this book, Kathy Lien–Director of Currency Research for one of the most popular Forex providers in the world–describes everything from time-tested technical and fundamental strategies you can use to compete with bank traders to a host of more fundamentally-oriented strategies involving intermarket relationships, interest rate differentials, option volatility, news events, and central bank intervention.


Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits

Chaos theory now stands at the cutting edge of financial decision-making methods. The product of years of scientific investigation into unpredictable phenomena, it has the potential to offer traders entirely new perspectives on the movements of markets—and less risky routes to greater, more consistent profitability. Unlike other books on the subject, Trading Chaos takes chaos analysis out of the realm of the abstract and makes complex concepts easy to understand and use. It offers you the most practical, comprehensive guide available to applying chaos theory to the real world of trading and investing.

In this breakthrough work, author Bill Williams gives you the benefit of his unique qualifications: 35 years of successful trading and a PhD in psychology. The instructional techniques used in Trading Chaos have been tested and refined in the workshops, seminars, and private tutoring sessions Dr. Williams has conducted in 12 different countries.

Designed for all traders—from beginner to experienced professional—Trading Chaos introduces you to the financial applications of chaos in five graduated stages, starting with a clear, nontechnical introduction (Level One: The Novice Trader) all the way to chart analysis, fractals, Elliott wave, and advanced nonlinear dynamics (Level Five: The Expert Trader).

Trading Chaos probes depths of human and economic behavior that other books do not even mention, including:

  • A detailed examination of the underlying structure of the market
  • How individual belief systems affect the way we trade
  • How to determine "what the market wants"
  • Most importantly—"how to want what the market wants"

Numerous charts, trading models, analysis spreadsheets, and review questions reinforce the key concepts and help insure full comprehension of the material.

Regardless of your current degree of expertise, Trading Chaos will take you to new levels of trading confidence and increased profit.

This practical guide to the powerful tools of chaos theory will help you make better, more profitable trades

"Bill Williams brings a unique background and experience to the commodity trading world. His approach to becoming a successful trader includes many fresh and fascinating concepts for traders of all experience levels."—Bruce Babcock Editor, Commodity Traders Consumer Report

"Bill Williams has demystified the Elliott Wave. His technical approach is an innovative and effective way to trade markets for novice and expert traders alike."—Bob Koppel Skylane Trading Group

"Trading Chaos by Bill Williams is an excellent guide to profiting from a market which is nonlinear in structure. The book is divided into logical levels of trading techniques useful to the novice and expert trader. I was genuinely surprised that the expert can still learn refreshingly new techniques at each level presented."—Timothy C. Slater Managing Director of Dow Jones Telerate Seminars

Trading Chaos takes chaos theory out of the abstract realm and into the real world of practical investment decision-making. Using the techniques in this remarkable book, you will uncover the hidden patterns of what appear to be the random, unpredictable movements of the commodity, futures, and options markets. Regardless of your current level of experience, expert commodity trader and trainer Bill Williams will give you the skills and insights to move to levels of trading ability you would not have imagined possible.

Clear, practical, and nontechnical—Unlike other books on chaos theory, Trading Chaos is designed to be easy to understand and use

Unique organizational format—Introduces the reader to the financial applications of chaos in five graduated stages, from Novice to Expert Trader

Expert advice on avoiding common psychological traps and pitfalls—Including such self-limiting afflictions as the "paralysis of analysis," "opinionitis," and the dangers of trading on individual belief systems

A wealth of supplementary materials—Charts, trading models, trade plans, analysis spreadsheets, and trading diaries illustrate and reinforce key concepts.

Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits (A Marketplace Book): Bill M. Williams: 9780471119296: Books
Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits (A Marketplace Book): Bill M. Williams: 9780471119296: Books
  • reviews: 22
  • Bill M. Williams
Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits (A Marketplace Book) [Bill M. Williams] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A practical guide for making sense of chaos theory and applying it to today's financial markets. Enables traders and analysts to uncover hidden determinism in seemingly random market events and make accurate investment decisions with high probabilities for profit.

Advanced Trading Rules, Second Edition (Quantitative Finance)

Advanced Trading Rules is the essential guide to state of the art techniques currently used by the very best financial traders, analysts and fund managers. The editors have brought together the world's leading professional and academic experts to explain how to understand, develop and apply cutting edge trading rules and systems. It is indispensable reading if you are involved in the derivatives, fixed income, foreign exchange and equities markets.

'Advanced Trading Rules' demonstrates how to apply econometrics, computer modelling, technical and quantitative analysis to generate superior returns, showing how you can stay ahead of the curve by finding out why certain methods succeed or fail.

Profit from this book by understanding how to use:

* stochastic properties of trading strategies
* technical indicators
* neural networks
* genetic algorithms
* quantitative techniques
* charts

Financial markets professionals will discover a wealth of applicable ideas and methods to help them to improve their performance and profits. Students and academics working in this area will also benefit from the rigorous and theoretically sound analysis of this dynamic and exciting area of finance.

* The essential guide to state of the art techniques currently used by the very best financial traders, analysts and fund managers
* Provides a complete overview of cutting edge financial markets trading rules, including new material on technical analysis and evaluation
* Demonstrates how to apply econometrics, computer modeling, technical and quantitative analysis to generate superior returns