Your application has been rejected


hi, i tried to register as seller and for couple of time the picture wasn't approved and then my Application got rejected 

Anyone Know what cause it and it's possible to fix it 

rejected.PNG  18 kb


try upload clear document and clear photo

take you photo to clear not blurred try take photo on bright light , document passport and clearly 

try again.



try upload clear document and clear photo

take you photo to clear not blurred try take photo on bright light , document passport and clearly 

try again.

as i you can see in the attached picture it's say you did all step correctly but for some reason your application rejected

The docs. are checked by software. It 'knows' if it has been cut, enlarged, ect. and that is not allowed and is rejected!

Carl Schreiber:
The docs. are checked by software. It 'knows' if it has been cut, enlarged, ect. and that is not allowed and is rejected!

but i didn't change it.

you thin it's helpful to try with new account??


but i didn't change it.

you thin it's helpful to try with new account??

Read the requirements very carefully, especially the bold phrases and re-submit your photos/documents.

Scanned or edited items are not accepted, try to take photos with your mobile phone or camera.


Hello, i have following problem

Your application has been rejected

Sorry, your application has not passed automated checks and has been rejected. You have correctly filled the required data, but the Verified User status could not be granted to you for security and service transparency reasons.

Please do not create a new account for a repeated application. All checks are performed automatically.

We do not provide specific reasons for the rejection. Thank you for understanding.

What i have to do to make registration again and to sendall required documents 

and to be approved

Svetlomir Stanchev: What i have to do to make registration again and to sendall required documents and to be approved

What part of #1, #3, and #5 was unclear?
William Roeder:
What part of #1, #3, and #5 was unclear?

For me is unclear what i can do.

Where to write, who can help me.

I just didnt finish all steps do be approved.

Now i can continue, but i cannot


this happen to me today.

after 27 complete job in the site now it says:

can any body help me???

Your application has been rejected

Sorry, your application has not passed automated checks and has been rejected. You have correctly filled the required data, but the Verified User status could not be granted to you for security and service transparency reasons.

Please do not create a new account for a repeated application. All checks are performed automatically.

We do not provide specific reasons for the rejection. Thank you for understanding.

Iman Pakravan:

this happen to me today.

after 27 complete job in the site now it says:

can any body help me???

Your application has been rejected

Sorry, your application has not passed automated checks and has been rejected. You have correctly filled the required data, but the Verified User status could not be granted to you for security and service transparency reasons.

Please do not create a new account for a repeated application. All checks are performed automatically.

We do not provide specific reasons for the rejection. Thank you for understanding.