Change Input Variable Programmatically


Is there any way to chnge the input value from a variable programatically...

Lets say we have  extern x=5,,,and on input parameters appears x=5

Can i change it within the code and make it x=10 and input parameter change from x=5 to x=10?

I know within the code i can change the  input parameter but on the input parameter it will still appear as x=5

I want when to change it programatically the iput parameter to change too..!

Is there any way to do it? 

If you mean during start/load that EA/indicator, you can programmatically create template file, which is a simple text file, and load it.
If you want to change the parameter inside your same EA, I would suggest create similiar variable name, assign it with input value during init, and work with that variable instead of the input parameter.

Soewono Effendi:
If you mean during start/load that EA/indicator, you can programmatically create template file, which is a simple text file, and load it.
If you want to change the parameter inside your same EA, I would suggest create similiar variable name, assign it with input value during init, and work with that variable instead of the input parameter.

i agree. on MT5 you cannot modify an input variable