Observation Concerning MetaQuotes

Hi. This post is not a rant nor a complaint; it is simply my observation. I think the MT4 and MT5 have surpassed the creators' expectation, as they never anticipated to get this number of customers from around the world. On the Metaquotes wiki page it shows that the company employs just over 50+ employees. Without doing a survey, I can safely say that today, the platforms currently has millions of users. It is not reasonable to expect 50 people to service millions of users. Still, one cannot blame the company for this, as this was not the original intention of the company to service so many. Therefore, this means that the platform has too many customers/users. I can confirm this via the level of customer service. Simple things will tend to take longer to deal with. I have read several books concerning businesses declining because of too much success and this is real. The future does not look very positive but this is not a problem for the company, this is a problem the individual users must eventually address.

Metaquotes customers are the brokers and the traders are the brokers' customers.

If the traders have issues, they should address them to the brokers, not Metaquotes.

That's interesting, but finally from our side the results are the same. We have to deal with it. Is this what you mean by "this is a problem the individual users must eventually address" ?
Keith Watford:

Metaquotes customers are the brokers and the traders are the brokers' customers.

If the traders have issues, they should address them to the brokers, not Metaquotes.

That's only a part of the story. It's true for most MT4/MT5 users.

But it's not true for all the "Sellers" here. You are a Metaquotes customer, because you pay for it as a freelancer.

As a professional user of Metaquotes services, which I pay for, I am not happy with the support and it's 100% legitimated.

Alain Verleyen:
That's interesting, but finally from our side the results are the same. We have to deal with it. Is this what you mean by "this is a problem the individual users must eventually address" ?

I think that Metaquotes is a good company. Nonetheless, the company's current sentiment is a "take it or leave it" sentiment, so regardless of which party the problem originated from, the end users(retail traders) will have to make a decision to either overlook the problem or move on. Many would say that my interpretation of the observation comes late, as the current sentiment has been the norm for several years and I will admit I am just now noticing it.

Under normal circumstances, any business that continued with this kind of sentiment for a prolonged period of time would lose users/customers but surprisingly this company has persisted. I think the reason for this is that the large community of end users have decided to contribute and support this company. Why I get this interpretation? Take a look at a forum here, any forum, and you see that the majority of the solutions provided are not staff but actual end users who do not receive any form of compensation. Thus, I can safely say that it is this vast community of end users that has held up this company for years. I am impressed by the quality and quantity of this community. It really boggles the mind when one ponders how a small company can attract so many great thinkers to use their platform.

I wish I had a platform to attract that many big thinkers and I am sure many other companies would wish for the same thing too. If it is this community of users that has provided support and solutions to the present platform for so long then I think it is this community that we should look towards to provide a bigger solution: a platform that addresses all the short comings of the present one as well as being backward compatible.  


We all share a common interest here.

Circling around shortcomings that is the standard.