How can I safely move from my current signal provider to another?


I have been using a signal provider for 5 days, and was wondering if there is any way to move to another signal provider from the same author?

There are two things that are matters here to me:

1- how I can safely move to the new signal provider while I have open positions with my current signal provider?

2- since the new signal provider is for the same person (author of the signal providers are the same), how I can move to new one with minimum cost?



I have been using a signal provider for 5 days, and was wondering if there is any way to move to another signal provider from the same author?

There are two things that are matters here to me:

1- how I can safely move to the new signal provider while I have open positions with my current signal provider?

2- since the new signal provider is for the same person (author of the signal providers are the same), how I can move to new one with minimum cost?


There is no automatic way to do that, you need to stop the subscription from your current signal, close your open trades manually and then follow the below instructions to subscribe to the new signal.

There is no way to save on your subscription fees, you will be charged for the whole month of the current signal and a monthly fee for the new one.