What is the advantage of registering here as a Company rather than individual seller?



I am already registered as a seller but have been thinking about registering as a company. However I am not sure why I should do it. I have seen a lot of the sellers here represents their company. Can someone please explain me what are the differences registering as an individual seller and registering as a company?  And what benefits they offer over one another?

Thanks advance for your time.



Syed Oarasul Islam:


I am already registered as a seller but have been thinking about registering as a company. However I am not sure why I should do it. I have seen a lot of the sellers here represents their company. Can someone please explain me what are the differences registering as an individual seller and registering as a company?  And what benefits they offer over one another?

Thanks advance for your time.



Sellers are often registering as companies for tax purposes, in many countries the corporate tax is much lower than the individual tax.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Sellers are often registering as companies for tax purposes, in many countries the corporate tax is much lower than the individual tax.

Thank you Eleni for your answer. Much appreciated!


Estoy intentando crear mi usuario vendedor como empresa, pero no me es posible, ¿alguien me puede ayudar? Cuando voy a la sección de vendedor me aparece para subir documentos de persona natural.



Estoy intentando crear mi usuario vendedor como empresa, pero no me es posible, ¿alguien me puede ayudar? Cuando voy a la sección de vendedor me aparece para subir documentos de persona natural.


Write in English in this part of the forum please.

You need to contact the Service Desk for your request, we can't help you here.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Write in English in this part of the forum please.

You need to contact the Service Desk for your request, we can't help you here.
