I can not identify and therefore distinguish the last profit of a series of orders ...


I can not identify and therefore distinguish the last profit of a series of orders in the historical one neither from the magic number nor from the comment on mql5.

I can only get the last profit and the last magic number or comment of the last order, but I cannot identify the last profit of a series of orders distinguished by magic number or comment.

I see that in the history orders the deal has no comment in order to be able to identify it to which starting order it belongs. 

Has anyone a solution to this problem of mine?

Here is the function i am using:

and the history orders example where there is no comment or magic number to refer to the deal profit:

Another problem is that Orders ticket number are different than the Deals ticket number..



When you ask for help, please post the code and not a screenshot of it.

Your problem is unclear. You have the magic number to identify your deal, no need for a comment. What result are you expecting and what do you get effectively ?

Alain Verleyen:


When you ask for help, please post the code and not a screenshot of it.

Your problem is unclear. You have the magic number to identify your deal, no need for a comment. What result are you expecting and what do you get effectively ?

Thanks for answering Alain,

Exactly the function does not return the profit value, because the magic number is related to the DEAL_ENTRY_IN which stores the magic number and the comment,

but not the profit which as I showed in the photo is empy, instead the profit is related to the DEAL_ENTRY_OUT but which does not have the magic number or comment

to be able to associate with the starting order. 


Anyway I am providing with an internal array, to resolve the problem but if there was a solution I was glad to know that.

here is the code...

double UltimoProfitto(string symbol,int magic)


   double UltimoProfitto=0;

   datetime tempo=0;


   for(int i=HistoryDealsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)


      ulong deal_ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(i);

      string deal_symbol=HistoryDealGetString(deal_ticket,DEAL_SYMBOL); 

      int deal_magic=(int)HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_MAGIC);

   ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry_type = (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY) HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_ENTRY);

    int deal_time=(ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INTEGER)HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket,DEAL_TIME);

     double profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PROFIT);

      if(deal_ticket>0 && deal_symbol==symbol && deal_magic==magic && deal_time>tempo)



           UltimoProfitto= HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PROFIT);




Francesco Timpanaro:

Thanks for answering Alain,

Exactly the function does not return the profit value, because the magic number is related to the DEAL_ENTRY_IN which stores the magic number and the comment,

but not the profit which as I showed in the photo is empy, instead the profit is related to the DEAL_ENTRY_OUT but which does not have the magic number or comment

to be able to associate with the starting order. 


Anyway I am providing with an internal array, to resolve the problem but if there was a solution I was glad to know that.

here is the code...

when placing an order with CTrade class use this line:



see here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/328698

Deal magic numbers
Deal magic numbers
  • 2019.12.18
  • www.mql5.com
Hello, I'm testing some systems on MT5 and I found a strange thing about History Deals...