MT5 Latest release version

Is there somewhere published the version history of MT5? The terminal is yapping for some time know for an update, but when i check latest release version the terminal writes in the journal my terminal is up to date (build 2085).
Thanks William, still it is unclear to me if these are beta's or stable release versions. When i check for beta, terminal writes there is a new version and starts downloading and prompts if i want to install the update, not the case when checking for release version. The thing is i don't want to be a beta tester.
My broker is at 2280 and I think it's not Beta since I never checked anything like that. Check if you perhaps disabled access to its update folder.

Thanks, but I have blocked nothing, like i wrote, the beta check downloads (build 2307) and prompts for installation after download is complete just fine.

Could it be possible it depends on broker what the sable release check returns?

Enrique Dangeroux:

Thanks, but I have blocked nothing, like i wrote, the beta check downloads (build 2307) and prompts for installation after download is complete just fine.

Could it be possible it depends on broker what the sable release check returns?

Only your broker knows I guess. They seem to control their updates.

Official releases always have a public announcement : last one if Build 2280.

I am trying to keep update the old thread which was used by Metaquotes to announce new release (now there is one new thread each time).

It's the broker who decided which release to push to their clients.

The betas are entirely Metaquotes responsibility (brokers can't push them). There are 2 servers one relatively private (it is public but not largely known) for the initial betas after the last release, and one everyone knows which is Metaquotes-Demo. This server is used by Metaquotes when they approach the release dates to conduct larger beta tests, as they know a lot of active developers use it for their tests.

If you don't want to be a beta-tester, never used these 2 servers.

A problem is the last release when published is very rarely bug free, this lack of stability (beyond the betas) is sometimes very annoying. However, I recommend to NOT BLOCK updates, it's against MT5 licence. Not sure it's a big deal per se, but imagine you have a serious issue with your trading and no appeal due to this disrespect of the licence.

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Thanks Alain,

Yeah i know about Metaquotes-Demo, i stopped using that years ago. It is a pity MQ does not have a structured list of version history, but i guess it is perfect in line with MQ in general

I have added your topic to my favorites.

There's a page with release notes here if this helps.
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Thanks lippmaje!
Alain Verleyen:

Official releases always have a public announcement : last one if Build 2280.

I am trying to keep update the old thread which was used by Metaquotes to announce new release (now there is one new thread each time).

It's the broker who decided which release to push to their clients.

The betas are entirely Metaquotes responsibility (brokers can't push them). There are 2 servers one relatively private (it is public but not largely known) for the initial betas after the last release, and one everyone knows which is Metaquotes-Demo. This server is used by Metaquotes when they approach the release dates to conduct larger beta tests, as they know a lot of active developers use it for their tests.

If you don't want to be a beta-tester, never used these 2 servers.

A problem is the last release when published is very rarely bug free, this lack of stability (beyond the betas) is sometimes very annoying. However, I recommend to NOT BLOCK updates, it's against MT5 licence. Not sure it's a big deal per se, but imagine you have a serious issue with your trading and no appeal due to this disrespect of the licence.

My Broker (AMP Futures) constantly tries to update the terminal to the 2302 version, which is apparently not a release version. I have not connected the terminal to the "MetaQuotes-Demo" server or any other one than "AMPGlobalUSA-Demo". So, how is it possible?

Kind regards