Indicators: 3D Moving Average - page 2


has problems when compiling.

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Nikolai Semko:


Of course I don’t have time, but I spent about 5 hours on this code. This code has only one purpose - to demonstrate the potential of canvas and to shake the conservative community a bit to think about the fact that there are other dimensions, not just price and time. For trading, of course, this indicator is absolutely useless. Do not worry about me, I will find the effective application of three (even four) -dimensional data visualization.

A possible good third dimension value say like Volume, would come in handy yo correlate the volume, price level, etc. At the same time.  Could play with this in many ways.  If possible leave the third variable open yo allow for users to input their own or swap them.  Let me know what you think.
Joseph Little:
A possible good third dimension value say like Volume, would come in handy yo correlate the volume, price level, etc. At the same time.  Could play with this in many ways.  If possible leave the third variable open yo allow for users to input their own or swap them.  Let me know what you think.

Making the third variable (dimension) open to the user - this will complicate the code many times. For programmers, the third variable z is always open. It will not be difficult to change the code.
About the volume.
It must be remembered that one time-price combination will correspond to only one volume value, so this is not a surface in three-dimensional space, but a curve line in three-dimensional space.

MT4 version
But it works much slower.
Thanks Nikolai

This is amazing, and I would love to get this working, but I'm totally new to MetaTrader, and I'm also on a mac.

I saw your post where I'm supposed to download the iCanvas file. On my mac, under ~Library, I found in ApplicationSupport the folder MetaTrader 5. Within that folder I went to Bottles/metatrader5/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Include/Canvas and simply put the file "iCanvas.mqh" in there and restarted MT5. I don't know how, but I also found in metaeditor64 a compile button for that, and I clicked it. No errors. I don't know if that means the file is available/loaded.

Under ~Library ApplicationSupport/ MetaTrader 5/ Bottles/metatrader5/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Include/Indicators I dropped the file "3D_Moving_Avarage.mq5" there.

In metaeditor64, when I press compile on that file I get a series of errors. Mostly "undeclared identifier".

Can you point me in the right direction?

Ian Robert:

This is amazing, and I would love to get this working, but I'm totally new to MetaTrader, and I'm also on a mac.

I saw your post where I'm supposed to download the iCanvas file. On my mac, under ~Library, I found in ApplicationSupport the folder MetaTrader 5. Within that folder I went to Bottles/metatrader5/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Include/Canvas and simply put the file "iCanvas.mqh" in there and restarted MT5. I don't know how, but I also found in metaeditor64 a compile button for that, and I clicked it. No errors. I don't know if that means the file is available/loaded.

Under ~Library ApplicationSupport/ MetaTrader 5/ Bottles/metatrader5/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Include/Indicators I dropped the file "3D_Moving_Avarage.mq5" there.

In metaeditor64, when I press compile on that file I get a series of errors. Mostly "undeclared identifier".

Can you point me in the right direction?

Most likely, indeed, the iCanvas file was copied to the wrong folder.

I do not know how MT works on a Mac, but try to hover the mouse pointer over the file name in ME and you will see the full path.
iCanvas should be copied to the folder that you see (mine is highlighted in yellow) + Include\Canvas\iCanvas.mqh