Allow clients to see Brokers Deposit page inside the MT4/5 Client Terminal Platform


As a trader logged in to MT4/5 client terminal, I want to be able to login to my broker account and deposit money so that I can have the money to my trading account and cover my opened positions faster (rather than going to my broker's website, loging to client area, deposit to the master account, transfer to trading account.....)

Is there any easy way to launch the broker's deposit page inside the Client Terminal in order to achieve the above? Maybe an iframe of the deposit page to be displayed as a popup?

The request is to deposit to the broker's account first and not to the Trading Account. The funds need to be credited succesfully to the broker;s account and then an immediate tranfer to my trading account can be done with 1 click.

If you have seen that in other brokers please share or provide your feedback or experiences with the above idea.

Thank you,
