First time using iCustom for a Divergence indicator to include in an EA: Help needed


Hello all,

I am trying to understand the logic behind iCustom function, but just can't. I am new to coding, I just started to learn, and got stuck here.

My goal is to build an EA based on a simple MACD divergence indicator. The code is here.

//|                                               MACD_Histogram.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 Silver
#property indicator_color4 Lime
#property indicator_color5 Red
#property indicator_level1 0
#define arrowsDisplacement 0.0001
//---- input parameters
extern string separator1 = "*** MACD Settings ***";
extern int FastMAPeriod = 12;
extern int SlowMAPeriod = 26;
extern int SignalMAPeriod = 9;
extern string separator2 = "*** Indicator Settings ***";
extern bool   drawIndicatorTrendLines = false;
extern bool   drawPriceTrendLines = false;
extern bool   displayAlert = false;
//---- buffers
double MACDLineBuffer[];
double SignalLineBuffer[];
double HistogramBuffer[];
double bullishDivergence[];
double bearishDivergence[];
//---- variables
double alpha = 0;
double alpha_1 = 0;
static datetime lastAlertTime;
static string   indicatorName;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
    IndicatorDigits(Digits + 1);
    //---- indicators
    SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
    SetIndexBuffer(0, MACDLineBuffer);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(0, SlowMAPeriod);
    SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
    SetIndexBuffer(1, SignalLineBuffer);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(1, SlowMAPeriod + SignalMAPeriod);
    SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
    SetIndexBuffer(2, HistogramBuffer);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(2, SlowMAPeriod + SignalMAPeriod);
    SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW);
    SetIndexArrow(3, 233);
    SetIndexBuffer(3, bullishDivergence);
    SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW);
    SetIndexArrow(4, 234);
    SetIndexBuffer(4, bearishDivergence);
    //---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
    indicatorName = ("MACD(" + FastMAPeriod + "," + SlowMAPeriod + "," + SignalMAPeriod + ")");
    SetIndexLabel(2, "MACD");
    SetIndexLabel(3, "Signal");
    SetIndexLabel(4, "Histogr");
    alpha = 2.0 / (SignalMAPeriod + 1.0);
    alpha_1 = 1.0 - alpha;
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
    for(int i = ObjectsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        string label = ObjectName(i);
        if(StringSubstr(label, 0, 19) != "MACD_DivergenceLine")
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
    int limit;
    int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
    //---- check for possible errors
    if(counted_bars < 0)
    //---- last counted bar will be recounted
    if(counted_bars > 0)
    limit = Bars - counted_bars;
    for(int i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
        MACDLineBuffer[i] = iMA(NULL, 0, FastMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i) -
                            iMA(NULL, 0, SlowMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i);
        SignalLineBuffer[i] = alpha * MACDLineBuffer[i] + alpha_1 * SignalLineBuffer[i + 1];
        HistogramBuffer[i] = MACDLineBuffer[i] - SignalLineBuffer[i];
//|                                                                  |
void CalculateIndicator(int countedBars)
    for(int i = Bars - countedBars; i >= 0; i--)
        CatchBullishDivergence(i + 2);
        CatchBearishDivergence(i + 2);
//|                                                                  |
void CalculateMACD(int i)
    MACDLineBuffer[i] = iMA(NULL, 0, FastMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i) -
                        iMA(NULL, 0, SlowMAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i);
    SignalLineBuffer[i] = alpha * MACDLineBuffer[i] + alpha_1 * SignalLineBuffer[i + 1];
    HistogramBuffer[i] = MACDLineBuffer[i] - SignalLineBuffer[i];
//|                                                                  |
void CatchBullishDivergence(int shift)
    if(IsIndicatorTrough(shift) == false)
    int currentTrough = shift;
    int lastTrough = GetIndicatorLastTrough(shift);
    if(MACDLineBuffer[currentTrough] > MACDLineBuffer[lastTrough] &&
            Low[currentTrough] < Low[lastTrough])
        bullishDivergence[currentTrough] = MACDLineBuffer[currentTrough] -
        if(drawPriceTrendLines == true)
            DrawPriceTrendLine(Time[currentTrough], Time[lastTrough],
                               Low[lastTrough], Lime, STYLE_SOLID);
        if(drawIndicatorTrendLines == true)
                                   Lime, STYLE_SOLID);
        if(displayAlert == true)
            DisplayAlert("Classical bullish divergence on: ",
    if(MACDLineBuffer[currentTrough] < MACDLineBuffer[lastTrough] &&
            Low[currentTrough] > Low[lastTrough])
        bullishDivergence[currentTrough] = MACDLineBuffer[currentTrough] -
        if(drawPriceTrendLines == true)
            DrawPriceTrendLine(Time[currentTrough], Time[lastTrough],
                               Low[lastTrough], Lime, STYLE_DOT);
        if(drawIndicatorTrendLines == true)
                                   Lime, STYLE_DOT);
        if(displayAlert == true)
            DisplayAlert("Reverse bullish divergence on: ",
//|                                                                  |
void CatchBearishDivergence(int shift)
    if(IsIndicatorPeak(shift) == false)
    int currentPeak = shift;
    int lastPeak = GetIndicatorLastPeak(shift);
    if(MACDLineBuffer[currentPeak] < MACDLineBuffer[lastPeak] &&
            High[currentPeak] > High[lastPeak])
        bearishDivergence[currentPeak] = MACDLineBuffer[currentPeak] +
        if(drawPriceTrendLines == true)
            DrawPriceTrendLine(Time[currentPeak], Time[lastPeak],
                               High[lastPeak], Red, STYLE_SOLID);
        if(drawIndicatorTrendLines == true)
            DrawIndicatorTrendLine(Time[currentPeak], Time[lastPeak],
                                   MACDLineBuffer[lastPeak], Red, STYLE_SOLID);
        if(displayAlert == true)
            DisplayAlert("Classical bearish divergence on: ",
    if(MACDLineBuffer[currentPeak] > MACDLineBuffer[lastPeak] &&
            High[currentPeak] < High[lastPeak])
        bearishDivergence[currentPeak] = MACDLineBuffer[currentPeak] +
        if(drawPriceTrendLines == true)
            DrawPriceTrendLine(Time[currentPeak], Time[lastPeak],
                               High[lastPeak], Red, STYLE_DOT);
        if(drawIndicatorTrendLines == true)
            DrawIndicatorTrendLine(Time[currentPeak], Time[lastPeak],
                                   MACDLineBuffer[lastPeak], Red, STYLE_DOT);
        if(displayAlert == true)
            DisplayAlert("Reverse bearish divergence on: ",
//|                                                                  |
bool IsIndicatorPeak(int shift)
    if(MACDLineBuffer[shift] >= MACDLineBuffer[shift + 1] && MACDLineBuffer[shift] > MACDLineBuffer[shift + 2] &&
            MACDLineBuffer[shift] > MACDLineBuffer[shift - 1])
//|                                                                  |
bool IsIndicatorTrough(int shift)
    if(MACDLineBuffer[shift] <= MACDLineBuffer[shift + 1] && MACDLineBuffer[shift] < MACDLineBuffer[shift + 2] &&
            MACDLineBuffer[shift] < MACDLineBuffer[shift - 1])
//|                                                                  |
int GetIndicatorLastPeak(int shift)
    for(int i = shift + 5; i < Bars; i++)
        if(SignalLineBuffer[i] >= SignalLineBuffer[i + 1] && SignalLineBuffer[i] >= SignalLineBuffer[i + 2] &&
                SignalLineBuffer[i] >= SignalLineBuffer[i - 1] && SignalLineBuffer[i] >= SignalLineBuffer[i - 2])
            for(int j = i; j < Bars; j++)
                if(MACDLineBuffer[j] >= MACDLineBuffer[j + 1] && MACDLineBuffer[j] > MACDLineBuffer[j + 2] &&
                        MACDLineBuffer[j] >= MACDLineBuffer[j - 1] && MACDLineBuffer[j] > MACDLineBuffer[j - 2])
//|                                                                  |
int GetIndicatorLastTrough(int shift)
    for(int i = shift + 5; i < Bars; i++)
        if(SignalLineBuffer[i] <= SignalLineBuffer[i + 1] && SignalLineBuffer[i] <= SignalLineBuffer[i + 2] &&
                SignalLineBuffer[i] <= SignalLineBuffer[i - 1] && SignalLineBuffer[i] <= SignalLineBuffer[i - 2])
            for (int j = i; j < Bars; j++)
                if(MACDLineBuffer[j] <= MACDLineBuffer[j + 1] && MACDLineBuffer[j] < MACDLineBuffer[j + 2] &&
                        MACDLineBuffer[j] <= MACDLineBuffer[j - 1] && MACDLineBuffer[j] < MACDLineBuffer[j - 2])
//|                                                                  |
void DisplayAlert(string message, int shift)
    if(shift <= 2 && Time[shift] != lastAlertTime)
        lastAlertTime = Time[shift];
        Alert(message, Symbol(), " , ", Period(), " minutes chart");
//|                                                                  |
void DrawPriceTrendLine(datetime x1, datetime x2, double y1,
                        double y2, color lineColor, double style)
    string label = "MACD_DivergenceLine.0# " + DoubleToStr(x1, 0);
    ObjectCreate(label, OBJ_TREND, 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 0);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_COLOR, lineColor);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_STYLE, style);
//|                                                                  |
void DrawIndicatorTrendLine(datetime x1, datetime x2, double y1,
                            double y2, color lineColor, double style)
    int indicatorWindow = WindowFind(indicatorName);
    if(indicatorWindow < 0)
    string label = "MACD_DivergenceLine.0$# " + DoubleToStr(x1, 0);
    ObjectCreate(label, OBJ_TREND, indicatorWindow, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                 0, 0);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_COLOR, lineColor);
    ObjectSet(label, OBJPROP_STYLE, style);

From my researches, I reached to this:

  double   UpDiv = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "MACD_Histogram", FastMAPeriod, SlowMAPeriod, SignalMAPeriod, 3,0);
  double   DnDiv = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "MACD_Histogram", FastMAPeriod, SlowMAPeriod, SignalMAPeriod, 4,0);

I don't really know how to use these doubles to get my entries. It's basically because I don't understand the logic of the indicator.

Please help me understand this.

Thank You.