PLEASE someone knowledgable needed, I tried everything! - hours in script not working - pivots


So I've tried editing this script,

Hourly Pivot Points with Color Filling

almost got it working but there is something wrong in the code when I change it.

I tried changing from hourly to more hours than just one, I managed to get adding just one more hour to work a little bit as seen in this script, however they start overlapping each other after a couple of hours

and I'd like to to have for example 12h but that doesn't work at all. I think it has something to do with that the script calculates in hours in the code and I have no idea how to change it so it adapts to the different hour settings.

Here is as far as I has gotten just adding one more hour 

I changed the time and some time1 time2 to get it working first couple hours the format is correct there, but the pivots after just doesn't fit they start halfway in.

Would be very thankful if someone could help!


Hourly Pivot Points with Color Filling
Hourly Pivot Points with Color Filling
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