Arbitration Found for the Developer - page 3

Keith Watford:

Your post is off-topic.

It looks as if you might have clicked on "Complete Job" which would have cancelled arbitration.

This picture show about arbitration.

Trinh Dat:

This picture show about arbitration.

So there is no option to re-start arbitration. That's ridiculous.

Your only option is to contact the service desk.

Keith Watford:

So there is no option to re-start arbitration. That's ridiculous.

Your only option is to contact the service desk.

Ok, but I not think they will help. the problem not on list.


You can make an Arbitration request. 

I have received a code that is garbage but the guarantee given by the developer to make it work is not coing a long. 

any help?

Is this concerning the same subject that you have already posted about 2 weeks ago?


What difference does that make? If the buyer is not happy with the service of the developer, then the only apparent solution is to do an arbitration request(assuming it is a  Freelance order). 

The difference is that if it is about the same job, then arbitration was completed in favour of the developer. That would mean that you have wasted your time by suggesting to use arbitration.

Keith Watford:

The difference is that if it is about the same job, then arbitration was completed in favour of the developer. That would mean that you have wasted your time by suggesting to use arbitration.

You posted your response after I removed my comment. I removed my comment on this thread after looking into the OP's forum post history and seeing that this matter was already brought up and addressed. 


I have received a code that is garbage but the guarantee given by the developer to make it work is not coing a long. 

any help?

Sorry to hear that you feel ripped off and didn't get the results you were looking for via the arbitration process. It seems the only solution at this point is to hire another developer to fix the code (if there is an issue with it). I am sure you can find some generous person on here to help you. If I were a coder, I would take a look at it for you. But I am not. I hope you find a solution. It sucks when you pay a lot of money for something and end up in a situation like this.  


Sorry to hear that you feel ripped off and didn't get the results you were looking for via the arbitration process. It seems the only solution at this point is to hire another developer to fix the code (if there is an issue with it). I am sure you can find some generous person on here to help you. If I were a coder, I would take a look at it for you. But I am not. I hope you find a solution. It sucks when you pay a lot of money for something and end up in a situation like this.  

Well, if it is about the same code (it probably is as he has already started 3 different topics about it prior to this), then he has probably already been given the solution by Alain in the other topic. He just hasn't acted on it.

Keith Watford:

Well, if it is about the same code (it probably is as he has already started 3 different topics about it prior to this), then he has probably already been given the solution by Alain in the other topic. He just hasn't acted on it.

See comment #5. It appears he acted on it but something went wrong.

Maybe there is a coder who would be generous enough to compile it for him? I am assuming it's a simple task for a coding expert.

Frankly, the developer he paid should have done this for him. Seems like he got a lousy service.