Is it possible to earn $100 per day on average ?


Is any one here earning $100 per day with the use of any EA ?

your valuable thoughts most welcome

Rakesh Kumar:

Is any one here earning $100 per day with the use of any EA ?

your valuable thoughts most welcome

The relevant question is your rate of return on your account, so your account size is all limportant.
For example if you have $1000 in your account, $100 per day x 20 days = $2000 per month, or 100% return ? Is that possible?


Thank you Gents

Ok I will rephrase my question 

How can I make $100 per day with the use of any good EA here ?

Hope to hear from you soon.


The relevant question is your rate of return on your account, so your account size is all limportant.
For example if you have $1000 in your account, $100 per day x 20 days = $2000 per month, or 100% return ? Is that possible?

You need to check your maths.

Rakesh Kumar:

Thank you Gents

Ok I will rephrase my question 

How can I make $100 per day with the use of any good EA here ?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Threads like this are pointless and tend to attract people trying to promote their products.

Don't expect any honest responses as people lie..

Keith Watford:

Threads like this are pointless and tend to attract people trying to promote their products.

Don't expect any honest responses as people lie..

Thank you for your kind words.

This was just an attempt for a light hearted chat during the festive holidays here in UK.


Best regards

Rakesh Kumar:

Is any one here earning $100 per day with the use of any EA ?

your valuable thoughts most welcome

With all due respect, you're asking the wrong question my friend. 

Because $100 per day is not what matters. 

What matters is the amount of trading capital that you have in your account 

and what percent (of this capital) you are trying to make per day. 


$100 per day on a $1,000 account is suicide. Because you will be trying 

to make 10% per day. And in order to achieve this, your position-sizing 

will be horrendous. 

You will eventually blow up (GUARANTEED).

Because you will be trading too big. 

But if you have a $100,000 trading account, $100 is only 0.1% of your account. 

And then you can trade much more conservatively and keep your risk very low. 

This is how the large institutions can make only 8% or 9% per year (as an example) 

and still attract hundreds of millions of dollars of investor capital (sometimes billions). 

Because they have so much capital under management, that they can trade very conservatively 

and still make a ton of money. 

I hope this sheds some light on this subject for you and best of luck with all of your 

trading going forward.   =)