How to use virtual compare method from CObject


Dear All,

I tried to use the virtual Compare method from CObject Class, but can't manage to make it works, any insights?


//|                                           och_test_SortArray.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

#include <Object.mqh>
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>

class CStrategy : public CObject
  int                 m_id;
  void                CStrategy(){m_id = MathRand();};
  void               ~CStrategy(){};
  int                 StrategyID(){return(m_id);};
  int                 Type(void) const { return(1);};
  int                 Compare(CStrategy *node,const int mode=0);

int CStrategy::Compare(CStrategy *node,const int mode=0)
  Print(__FUNCSIG__ + ":: Here we are!");
  return(m_id > node.StrategyID());

class CAdaptive_Strategy : public CStrategy
  int                 Type(void) const { return(2);};

CArrayObj            *strategies;  
CStrategy            *strategy;
CAdaptive_Strategy   *adaptive_strategy; 
CObject              *object;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   strategies = new CArrayObj;
   for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
      adaptive_strategy = new CAdaptive_Strategy;
      //Print(__FUNCSIG__ + " :: i = " + IntegerToString(i) + " id = " + IntegerToString(adaptive_strategy.StrategyID()) + " i = " + IntegerToString(i));
   Print(__FUNCSIG__ + " :: Nb strategies = " + IntegerToString(strategies.Total()) + " IsSorted = " + string(strategies.IsSorted()));
   for (int i=0;i<strategies.Total();i++){
    adaptive_strategy = strategies.At(i);
    if (adaptive_strategy.Type() == 2) // be carrefull : BUG need to test a property before access to some members...
    //Print(__FUNCSIG__ + ":: adaptive_strategy.type = " + adaptive_strategy.Type() + " id = " + IntegerToString(adaptive_strategy.StrategyID()));
    Print(__FUNCSIG__ + ":: i = " + IntegerToString(i) + " id = " + IntegerToString(adaptive_strategy.StrategyID()));
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

I assume you defined a new Compare method

instead of using the defined parameters

and cast to your class later inside the method.


I assume you defined a new Compare method

instead of using the defined parameters

and cast to your class later inside the method.

Hi ugo58,
thanks for your reply, but I can't catch your point? 
What do you mean exactly? 
The result of the expert above should be a list with ascending strategyID value. This is the result I expect to obtain.
Hi ugo58,
thanks for your reply, but I can't catch your point? 
What do you mean exactly? 
The result of the expert above should be a list with ascending strategyID value. This is the result I expect to obtain.
int CStrategy::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) // instead of Compare(CStrategy *node,const int mode=0)
  // Print(__FUNCSIG__ + ":: Here we are! ",this.m_id," ",((CStrategy*)node).StrategyID());
  if (this.m_id > ((CStrategy*)node).StrategyID()) return(1);
  if (this.m_id < ((CStrategy*)node).StrategyID()) return(-1);