MT4 terminal/MetaEditor >> Authorization failed on Linux and Mac systems (again) - page 3

Marco vd Heijden:
Have you tried this version ? 

No, it worked well so far with 2.4.

Also, I just found this error now after I clicked the Market tab in Terminal window.

(I remember, exactly the same problem was there 2-3 months ago too, as I wrote earlier. MQ fixed it then, so I am sure it is central issue again.)

err.png  9 kb

And here is the Journal tab:

err1.png  27 kb

Okay i will check it out later.

443 port i think there is a problem with HTTPS security. 

But i can confirm that the latest winever is working and has been working over the last few day's so if possible please upgrade and try again.

Marco vd Heijden:

Okay i will check it out later.

443 port i think there is a problem with HTTPS security. 

But i can confirm that the latest winever is working and has been working over the last few day's so if possible please upgrade and try again.

A Wine upgrade can cause serious problems for other Win programs (my experience).

To be honest, I only want to upgrade Wine if I am totally sure that the problem is the Wine itself.


Well you could clone your system then you always have a backup to switch back to.

This is standard practice in upgrading systems.

Now the weird part is that i told you multiple times that the latest version is working because i tried it many times over the past day's.

Now if i want to know if your (old) build works, i have to download a (old) LM iso and burn it then do a fresh install, and then install the (old) wine version you are using, and after that i can install MetaTrader and finally, finally see if it will work or not.

Which route would be more favorable you think ? 

If it was not working on my system i would report the bug immediately.

Marco vd Heijden:

Well you could clone your system then you always have a backup to switch back to.

This is standard practice in upgrading systems.

Now the weird part is that i told you multiple times that the latest version is working because i tried it many times over the past day's.

Now if i want to know if your (old) build works, i have to download a (old) LM iso and burn it then do a fresh install, and then install the (old) wine version you are using, and after that i can install MetaTrader and finally, finally see if it will work or not.

Which route would be more favorable you think ? 

If it was not working on my system i would report the bug immediately.

The most favorable I think, dropping a question to MQ whether they did any change in the past 1-2 weeks.

If they did not, the problem is on my side (I doubt). If they did, then the question: are they willing to make a fix?


I don't think they will fix things for old Linux builds and old Wine builds especially when the new builds are working flawlessly.

Marco vd Heijden:

I don't think they will fix things for old Linux builds and old Wine builds especially when the new builds are working flawlessly.

Sorry, but it is bad thinking. Maybe they can fix it simply that old and newer systems too can work well (as they did it 2-3 months ago).