What is wrong in the for loop declaration ?



There'a a few years i paid a freelancer to build an indicator. It worked fine but now, i try to compile it and i have an error on this line :

for (index=nCountedBars + NB -1, int ptr =0 ;index >= nCountedBars ; index--, ptr++)  
      flow[ptr] = (High[index] + Low[index]) / 2; 

Can you help me please ?


If you say you're having an error, you should also quote the error description.

In case, as I suppose, the error is "undeclared identifier" and the index variable wasn't declared before, then

for (int index=nCountedBars + NB -1, int ptr =0 ;index >= nCountedBars ; index--, ptr++)  
      flow[ptr] = (High[index] + Low[index]) / 2;

should do the trick.

Of course there may be other issues, as from this code example we can't know the values of nCountedBars and NB at the given time and e.g. if the flow[] array was declared correctly, so if you have any further problems, please tell us what exactly the error message is saying.


sorry :

'=' - unexpected token... -> int ptr =0
'ptr' - undeclared identifier   ->  ptr++)  

This is the total code

#property  indicator_separate_window
#property  indicator_buffers 1
#property  indicator_color1  Silver
#property  indicator_width1  2

extern int NB        = 5;
extern int DEBUG     = 1;

int LITE = 1;

//---- input parameters

#define TREND_DIFF_POSITIVE                     0
#define NO_TREND_DIFF_POSITIVE          1
#define SPEARMAN_NO_TREND                          2
#define KENDALL_TREND_POSITIVE          0
#define KENDALL_TREND_NEGATIVE          1
#define KENDALL_NO_TREND                        2
//---- buffers
double flow[40];
 int handle;

 // double flow[40] = {44.3, 21.3, 31.4, 8.7, 12.8, 45.0, 88.1, 32.0,
//              52.3, 30.3, 95.8, 50.4, 71.6, 26.7, 3.8, 36, 46, 34.3, 77.2, 55.3,
//              64.2, 85.5, 18.6, 50.9, 93.6, 26.8, 59, 99.1, 57, 78.1}; 
double FsortedFlow[40];
double IsortedFlow[40];
double final[] ;
double final1[] ;
double final2[] ;
double final3[] ;
int RowNum = 0;
int LastTrend = -1;
int UP_IND    = 1;
int DOWN_IND  = 0;
int ThePeriod = 15;
int offset = 3;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |

int init()

//---- initialization done

if (DEBUG == 1 || LITE == 1) {
     Print("File output.txt not found, the last error is ", GetLastError());

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
   if (DEBUG == 1 || LITE == 1)
      FileClose (handle);
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
    int nCountedBars, limit, index, k , A, B;
//---- check for possible errors
    if (nCountedBars<0) return(-1);
//---- last counted bar will be recounted    
    if (nCountedBars > 0)       
       nCountedBars-= (NB - 3) ;           // Current
   for (index=nCountedBars + NB -1, int ptr =0 ;index >= nCountedBars ; index--, ptr++)  
      flow[ptr] = (High[index] + Low[index]) / 2; 
   for (index=nCountedBars + NB - 1; index<Bars  ; index++)  {
      if (index != nCountedBars + NB - 1)
         moveQueue (NB);
           flow [0] = (High[index] + Low[index]) / 2;

           double T = NB;
           double average = (T - 1)/ 2;
                double variance = (T + 1) / 12;
                double tol_less_average = average - (1.96 * MathSqrt(variance));
                double tol_plus_average = average + (1.96 * MathSqrt(variance));
                double tmp = Dpositive (T );
                double status_Dpos = report_dPos (tol_less_average, tol_plus_average, tmp);
                if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle, "TEST1: average ", average, " variance ",variance," tol_less_average ", 
                tol_less_average, " tol_plus_average ", tol_plus_average, " tmp ", tmp, " status_Dpos ", status_Dpos) ;
                if (status_Dpos == TREND_DIFF_POSITIVE) {
                                A = 2; 
                                B = 1;
                else {
                                A = 1;
                                B = -1;
      if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle,"TEST1: A: ", A, " B ", B);

// TEST2

     ArrayCopy (FsortedFlow, flow, 0, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY);
     ArraySort (FsortedFlow, NB, 0, MODE_ASCEND);
     getVt (NB);
     double sigmaDt = getDtSquared (NB);
          double ro = 1 - (( 6.00 / (NB * ((NB*NB) - 1.00))) * sigmaDt) ;
          double VarianceRo = 1.00 / ( NB -1);
          double tol_less_spearman = (-1.96 * MathSqrt(VarianceRo));
          double tol_plus_spearman = (1.96 * MathSqrt(VarianceRo));
          double status_spearman = report_spearman (tol_less_spearman, tol_plus_spearman, ro );
          double VCRSpearman = ro / MathSqrt(VarianceRo);
          if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle,"TEST2: sigmaDt ", sigmaDt, " ro ", ro, " VarianceRo ", VarianceRo, " tol_less_spearman ", 
          tol_less_spearman, " tol_plus_spearman ", tol_plus_spearman, " status_spearman ", status_spearman ,
          " VCRSpearman ", VCRSpearman);
     if (status_spearman == SPEARMAN_TREND_POSITIVE) {
                                B = B + A;
                                if (VCRSpearman > 1.96) {
                                        B = B + A;
                        else if (status_spearman == SPEARMAN_TREND_NEGATIVE) {
                                B = B - A;
                                if (VCRSpearman > 1.96) {
                                        B = B - A;
                        if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle, "TEST2: A: ", A, " B ", B);

// TEST3

                int P = 0;
                        int Q = 0;
                        for (k=1; k< NB ; k++) {
                                P += recursP(k, NB);
                                Q += recursQ(k, NB);
                        int S = P - Q;
                        double tao =  (2.00 * S) / (NB * (NB -1.00));
                        double varianceTao = (2.00 * ((NB * 2.00) +  5.00)) / 
                                (( 9.00 * NB) * ( NB - 1.00));
                        double tol_less_kendall = (-1.96 * MathSqrt(varianceTao));
                        double tol_plus_kendall = (1.96 * MathSqrt(varianceTao));
                        double status_kendall = 
                                        report_kendall (tol_less_kendall, tol_plus_kendall, tao );
                        double VCRKendall = tao / MathSqrt(varianceTao);
                        if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle, "TEST3: tao: ", tao, " tol_plus_kendall ", 
                           tol_plus_kendall, " tol_less_kendall ", tol_less_kendall);

                        double theTao;
                        if (tao > tol_plus_kendall)
                                theTao = tao - tol_plus_kendall;
                        else if (tao < tol_less_kendall) 
                                theTao = tao - tol_less_kendall;
                                theTao = 0;

                        if (status_kendall == KENDALL_TREND_POSITIVE) {
                                B = B + A;
                                if (VCRKendall > 1.96) {
                                        B = B + A;
                        else if (status_kendall == KENDALL_TREND_NEGATIVE) {
                                B = B - A;
                                if (VCRKendall > 1.96) {
                                        B = B - A;

                        final [index - NB + 1] = B;

                //      if (DEBUG ==1) FileWrite (handle, "TEST3: A: ", A, " B ", B);
                //      if (LITE == 1) FileWrite (handle, "i = ", index, " - ", final[index]);


  return (0);
  double Dpositive (double  number)  {
        int i ;
        double  Dpos = 0;
        for (i=0; i< number -1 ; i++) {
                if (flow[i + 1] > flow[i])
        if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle, " flow+ ", flow[i + 1], " flowCurrent ", flow[i], " Dpos ", Dpos);
        return (Dpos);

int report_dPos (double less, double plus, double value) {
        if (value >= less && value <= plus)
                return (NO_TREND_DIFF_POSITIVE);
        return (TREND_DIFF_POSITIVE);

int report_spearman (double less, double plus, double value ) {
        if (value >= less && value <= plus)
                return (SPEARMAN_NO_TREND);
                if (value > 0)
                        return (SPEARMAN_TREND_POSITIVE);
                        return (SPEARMAN_TREND_NEGATIVE);

int report_kendall (double less, double plus, double value ) {
        if (value >= less && value <= plus)
                return (KENDALL_NO_TREND);
                if (value > 0)
                        return (KENDALL_TREND_POSITIVE);
                        return (KENDALL_TREND_NEGATIVE);

void getVt (int nb) {
        int i, j;
        for (i=0; i< nb ; i++) {
                for (j=0;j< nb ;j++) {
                        if (flow[i] == FsortedFlow[j]) {
                                IsortedFlow[i] = j + 1;

int getDtSquared (int nb) {
        int i, val, res;
        res = 0;
        for (i=0;i< nb;i++) {
                val = MathAbs((i+1) - IsortedFlow[i]);
//              if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle,i+1, " - ", IsortedFlow[i]);
//              if (DEBUG == 1) FileWrite (handle, "val : ", val);
                val *=val;
        return (res);

int recursP(int from, int to) {
        int i, res = 0 ;
        for (i=from; i< to; i++)
                if (IsortedFlow[i] > IsortedFlow[from -1])
        return (res);

int recursQ(int from, int to) {
        int i, res = 0 ;
        for (i=from; i< to; i++)
                if (IsortedFlow[i] < IsortedFlow[from -1])
        return (res);

void moveQueue (int nb) {
        int i;
        for (i = NB  ; i > 0  ; i -- )
                flow[i] = flow[i - 1];

This is the total code

Okay, I see.. this looks like MQL4 code --> should probably be moved to the MT4 section

[and sorry, I can only help with MQL5]


sorry :

This is the total code

If a paid coder provided you such code recently you should use an other one. It's old and obsolete syntax (since 2014 !).

It probably doesn't compile any more since the last update to 1220.

I fixed it for you, don't know why I did it

326659.mq4  12 kb

Thank you !

If you don't know why you did it chnage histogram to line and arrays size (more than 40) and try with a 50 NB period or higher...  maybe you will feel like you have not lost your time ;

I think we need to find an indicator to refine but it can be a good start