MQL5 - History Deals not updating

Hi, I'm having problems with the code to retrieve closed trades from the history in MQL5. I'm using this code but when I close a trade, it does not show up in the history deals.
I need a function to retrieve the latest trades closed. I'm calling this function from OnTrade(). I use to program in MQL4 and I'm new to MQL5. Thanks for the help!
void NewClosedTradeTicket(int &tickets[])
   datetime times[];
   for(int i=HistoryDealsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
           // Read deal out and get deal time
               datetime close_time = dealInfo.Time();    
               ulong tic = dealInfo.Ticket();  
               if(close_time > lastCloseTradeTime)
                   tickets[ArraySize(tickets)-1]  =tic;
                   times[ArraySize(times)-1] = close_time;


   int maxTime = ArrayMaximum(times,0,WHOLE_ARRAY);
   lastCloseTradeTime = times[maxTime];


You need to use the time of the trading server. And it’s better to take it with a margin:


In general, the last deal needs to be caught in OnTradeTransaction.

How to start with MQL5
How to start with MQL5
  • 2019.08.18
This thread discusses MQL5 code examples. There will be examples of how to get data from indicators, how to program advisors...
Thank you so much Vladimir!