OnTester() not showing a new column in optimization result


In MQL5, I need a new optimization criterion in the result, with the following code and select the "custom max" in the optimization criterion. But there is not showing the added column "RelativeDrawdown" in the result. Do I miss something? Can someone help, thanks in advance.

int OnInit()

double OnTester()
      double RelativeDrawdown = TesterStatistics(STAT_EQUITY_DDREL_PERCENT);

void OnTick()

One more thing, it need to run in "Fast Genetic Optimization mode". Is there anything else needed to create a new optimization criterion?

I just notice that the optimization criterion actually appear under the header "Result" column. I thought it will be under "RelativeDrawdown". How to add multiple optimization criterion and with the header named as it is in the OnTester() return value. For instance if  return(RD), the header will be "RD"?
I just notice that the optimization criterion actually appear under the header "Result" column. I thought it will be under "RelativeDrawdown". How to add multiple optimization criterion and with the header named as it is in the OnTester() return value. For instance if  return(RD), the header will be "RD"?
You can't.