Looking for a MENTOR - page 2


Some starters often think that you can compress 20 years of experience into a few text messages or in a few minutes of conversation.

There is a reason that out of a 100 people only 4 survive.

It's a long journey without an end.

The real problem exists in what i believe is best explained as something called faith, or destiny.

Because, if someone is destined to become a successful trader, then this person will become a successful trader, with or without your mentoring.

And if someone is destined to become a failure at trading, then this person will become a failure, with or without your mentoring.

I say this because it is my findings.

No matter what you tell someone, if they are destined to crash and burn, they will appear to listen to you, but as soon as you are done talking, they will put aside your advice, and instantly snap back into their "Destructive Programming" and continue their way on collision course and they will crash and burn their account.

It's a waste of time to even think that you can Mentor someone in trading.

Besides all the info is readily available they just need to look for it (themselves).

This is about forming habit patterns of mind, which is achieved by practicing.

In exactly the same way as you learn to drive a car, nobody can do it for you, you can only learn it by going through the motions until you get the hang of it.

Trading is no different, your trading terminal is your car, and the market is the road, and it's your job to stay on the road and drive as efficiently as possible.

People get angry at me when i say "Press buy or sell" when they ask for advice... I often wonder what answer they expect ? You gotta start somewhere, it's buying and selling and that's what we do.

Marco vd Heijden:

Some starters often think that you can compress 20 years of experience into a few text messages or in a few minutes of conversation.

There is a reason that out of a 100 people only 4 survive.

It's a long journey without an end.

The real problem exists in what i believe is best explained as something called faith, or destiny.

Because, if someone is destined to become a successful trader, then this person will become a successful trader, with or without your mentoring.

And if someone is destined to become a failure at trading, then this person will become a failure, with or without your mentoring.

I say this because it is my findings.

No matter what you tell someone, if they are destined to crash and burn, they will appear to listen to you, but as soon as you are done talking, they will put aside your advice, and instantly snap back into their "Destructive Programming" and continue their way on collision course and they will crash and burn their account.

It's a waste of time to even think that you can Mentor someone in trading.

Besides all the info is readily available they just need to look for it (themselves).

This is about forming habit patterns of mind, which is achieved by practicing.

In exactly the same way as you learn to drive a car, nobody can do it for you, you can only learn it by going through the motions until you get the hang of it.

Trading is no different, your trading terminal is your car, and the market is the road, and it's your job to stay on the road and drive as efficiently as possible.

People get angry at me when i say "Press buy or sell" when they ask for advice... I often wonder what answer they expect ? You gotta start somewhere, it's buying and selling and that's what we do.

I think much of what you said is false. But I will leave it at that as I don't have the time nor the patience to argue with you. 


I think much of what you said is false. But I will leave it at that as I don't have the time nor the patience to argue with you. 

I am convinced that you belong to that 96% that isn't going to make it.

julian lagier:

I'm a hard working individual looking for a mentor. I've read many books and learn all the coding I could by myself. I'm trying to create a winning EA. I'm writing this message with little hope of help but I would very much like somebody to mentor me and he will get an access to all the programs I make as a reward. I will not stop until i make it, if that serves as reassurance.


For become good trader you need at least 5 years of practice!

Try  demo first you will find  and discover your own trading style with patience!

Never give up and trust to your self!

No need mentor..

Marco vd Heijden:

I am convinced that you belong to that 96% that isn't going to make it.

That's your opinion. And of course, you are wrong. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Some starters often think that you can compress 20 years of experience into a few text messages or in a few minutes of conversation.

There is a reason that out of a 100 people only 4 survive.

It's a long journey without an end.

The real problem exists in what i believe is best explained as something called faith, or destiny.

Because, if someone is destined to become a successful trader, then this person will become a successful trader, with or without your mentoring.

And if someone is destined to become a failure at trading, then this person will become a failure, with or without your mentoring.

I say this because it is my findings.

No matter what you tell someone, if they are destined to crash and burn, they will appear to listen to you, but as soon as you are done talking, they will put aside your advice, and instantly snap back into their "Destructive Programming" and continue their way on collision course and they will crash and burn their account.

It's a waste of time to even think that you can Mentor someone in trading.

Besides all the info is readily available they just need to look for it (themselves).

This is about forming habit patterns of mind, which is achieved by practicing.

In exactly the same way as you learn to drive a car, nobody can do it for you, you can only learn it by going through the motions until you get the hang of it.

Trading is no different, your trading terminal is your car, and the market is the road, and it's your job to stay on the road and drive as efficiently as possible.

People get angry at me when i say "Press buy or sell" when they ask for advice... I often wonder what answer they expect ? You gotta start somewhere, it's buying and selling and that's what we do.

The most real words ever about trading.

Thanks for this post!

Fabio Cavalloni:

The most real words ever about trading.

Thanks for this post!

Ever heard of the Turtle Traders? The idea that a person has to be born or destined a trader in order to be a successful trader has already been proven false. 


That's your opinion. And of course, you are wrong. 

No i'm not.

And there were also turtle traders that crashed and burned.

Didn't you just say that you didn't have the


 time nor the patience to argue with you. 


Marco vd Heijden:

No i'm not.

And there were also turtle traders that crashed and burned.

Didn't you just say that you didn't have the


Do you think it is appropriate to behave this way towards me? Have you forgotten you are a moderator? Wishing ill will on someone is a rotten thing to do. And I am certain such behavior violates the rules of this platform. 


So you do have the time and patience to argue with me.

Just as i expected.