Exceeding my account balance using MQL5 cloud agents



I added $20 to my MQL5 account on 2019.10.08 to be able to use Cloud Agents for the first time during a backtest, and my MQL5 account has been credited.

I then ran my backtest, then asked to use cloud agents.

3 problems to the end

  1. Some completely wrong results in optimization that cannot be exploited
  2. MQL5 does not stop using Cloud Agents once the account credit drops to 0€ !!! So at the end an account with -43.95€, an overrun of 23.95€ (more than twice the amount planned for a false calculation)
  3. The service desk reject the open ticket with no explanations !

How is it possible to use a service if you can't control its cost?

It's like playing Casino.

Have you ever had account balance overruns using Cloud Agents?

Laurent Soudron:


I added $20 to my MQL5 account on 2019.10.08 to be able to use Cloud Agents for the first time during a backtest, and my MQL5 account has been credited.

I then ran my backtest, then asked to use cloud agents.

3 problems to the end

  1. Some completely wrong results in optimization that cannot be exploited
  2. MQL5 does not stop using Cloud Agents once the account credit drops to 0€ !!! So at the end an account with -43.95€, an overrun of 23.95€ (more than twice the amount planned for a false calculation)
  3. The service desk reject the open ticket with no explanations !

How is it possible to use a service if you can't control its cost?

It's like playing Casino.

Have you ever had account balance overruns using Cloud Agents?

What is really outrageous is that you've been charged $43.95 for a day's use of MQL5 cloud agents!

At the same time, all of us who give our computing resources to MQL5 cloud agents, we are paid fractions of cents for the same workload.

For example my maximum payment for a full day of 8 cores use in MQL5 cloud agents, was never more than $0.10 to $0.15!

Eleni Anna Branou :

Ce qui est vraiment scandaleux, c'est que l'on vous a facturé 43,95 $ pour une journée d'utilisation des agents de cloud MQL5 !

En même temps, nous tous qui donnons nos ressources informatiques aux agents de cloud MQL5 , nous sommes payés des fractions de centimes pour la même charge de travail.

Par exemple, mon paiement maximal pour une journée complète de 8 cœurs utilisés dans les agents de cloud MQL5 n’a jamais dépassé 0,10 à 0,15 dollar!

I understand your comment but it has nothing to do with the reported problem which simply concerns the fact of being billed much more than what my account had !!!

I didn't use agents for a day but a few minutes since my $20 was quickly consumed

I don't have an opinion on the the way the fees are calculated because I don't have enough experience on it

And it's true that 0,15 dollars max for 8 cores seems like a very small amount because it costs you more just with electricity

Laurent Soudron:

I understand your comment but it has nothing to do with the reported problem which simply concerns the fact of being billed much more than what my account had !!!

I didn't use agents for a day but a few minutes since my $20 was quickly consumed

I don't have an opinion on the the way the fees are calculated because I don't have enough experience on it

And it's true that 0,15 dollars max for 8 cores seems like a very small amount because it costs you more just with electricity

I suggest to contact the Service Desk about these charges, they seem outrageous for such a short period of use.

Eleni Anna Branou :

I suggest to contact the Service Desk about these charges, they seem outrageous for such a short period of use.

Already done but they do not want to know anything and the open ticker was refused without giving me the slightest explanation.

I was then charged 2 times (CB and Paypal) when buying a robot to make up the overflow on the account !

It's completely crazy.

How is it possible that MQL5 requires me to spend more than the balance of my account ?
Eleni Anna Branou:

I suggest to contact the Service Desk about these charges, they seem outrageous for such a short period of use.


but service desk has limited options available...


Huge amount charges for agents usage, is this correct?
Huge amount charges for agents usage, is this correct?
  • 2020.09.04
  • www.mql5.com
Good day, have just been charged huge amount for agent usage, is this correct? 229.85USD in comparison with the other previous use of agents (0...
Eleni Anna Branou:

I suggest to contact the Service Desk about these charges, they seem outrageous for such a short period of use.

have been charged 300USD for 26 minutes of agents usage


This topic is funny.

People using a service they don't understand and complaining about it.Which seems the norm rather than the exception nowadays.

1. There is a topic summarizing the main information about the MQL5 Cloud.

2. The way it works, how the costs are calculated is public and clearly explained. If you don't understand ask BEFORE clicking on the button.

3. Saying a price of X for using the Cloud Y minutes is meaning less, it depends of the number of agents used and the "speed" (PR rank) of the agents used.

4. The only one which is sure to earn money with the Cloud is Metaquotes, of course, they provide the service. As agents provider, it's not obvious to calculate. You would need to calculate what is cost you with and without using your computer as agents provider, electricity is one thing, but you also have to evaluate the additional "usage" costs. I strongly doubt it can be profitable, but I can't prove it. And if it's profitable it is by some dollars a year, it's not worth it (in my country at least).

5. As user, you have to optimize your EA and Strategy Tester usage (use the accurate settings). If your EA takes 2, 5 or 10 more times to run than what is optimal, it will cost you 2, 5 or 10 more times. I have seen EAs running 100 times faster after optimization of the code, it's not rare, it's common.

6. In general, using the Cloud is always more expensive than any other methods (local computers, local networks, third-party Cloud services), but the advantage is it's FASTER.

All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
  • 2013.08.20
  • www.mql5.com
General: All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
Alain Verleyen:

This topic is funny.

People using a service they don't understand and complaining about it.Which seems the norm rather than the exception nowadays.

1. There is a topic summarizing the main information about the MQL5 Cloud.

2. The way it works, how the costs are calculated is public and clearly explained. If you don't understand ask BEFORE clicking on the button.

3. Saying a price of X for using the Cloud Y minutes is meaning less, it depends of the number of agents used and the "speed" (PR rank) of the agents used.

4. The only one which is sure to earn money with the Cloud is Metaquotes, of course, they provide the service. As agents provider, it's not obvious to calculate. You would need to calculate what is cost you with and without using your computer as agents provider, electricity is one thing, but you also have to evaluate the additional "usage" costs. I strongly doubt it can be profitable, but I can't prove it. And if it's profitable it is by some dollars a year, it's not worth it (in my country at least).

5. As user, you have to optimize your EA and Strategy Tester usage (use the accurate settings). If your EA takes 2, 5 or 10 more times to run than what is optimal, it will cost you 2, 5 or 10 more times. I have seen EAs running 100 times faster after optimization of the code, it's not rare, it's common.

6. In general, using the Cloud is always more expensive than any other methods (local computers, local networks, third-party Cloud services), but the advantage is it's FASTER.

What is not funny in this topic, is billing people more than had in their account. Pretty simple to pop-up a warning and say "You have insufficient funds to execute this operation". 


Scott Marshall: <Deleted>

She is not spamming your inbox. You have her registered as a friend, and therefore every time she updates HER wall, you get to see what she published in your news-feed (kind of like "Facebook", you know?).

If you don't want your news-feed to contain her content, then simply change her friend setting (on the friend list) so as not to show up.

So, please don't curse and attack her for your own ignorance about not knowing how to manage your news-feed settings.