Ask How can Fast optimization by use small time and cheap cost? (waiting time long 95 hour calculate) and MQL5 Cloud Network cheap or not?
Ok I got some answer about MQL5 Cloud Network , I try to test MQL5 Cloud Network cost $20
For 129024 steps optimization is cost around $6 US Dollar and fast around 1.5 hour is fast I very like this solution. thank for MQL5 Cloud Network
save time from 3-4 day(95 hour remain) to use 2 hour. may be around 1.5 hour I forget to counting time I run some part before and add login to MQL5 Cloud Network and enable it to work continue (not start all from MQL5 Cloud Network )
but by personal for testing and under development I feel this price still expensive for testing many time is fail on testing but paid a lot for testing cost.
MQL5 Cloud Network may be great for using with EA that complete development it for using final or end used is very fast it save time a lot.
if price of MQL5 Cloud Network drop to $1-$2 per 100,000 step may be great for developer, I can try 10 time per day for testing.
price for now may be cost me $100 per days, if I test 10 time per day still expensive (still good for fast).
if you need to fast I high recommend to using MQL5 Cloud Network is very great solution. I give 9/10 or 5 stars for FAST and for price 2/10 or 1.5 stars. It is good for who have high budget for testing and development.
I see on network it still have a lot of agent available for use that mean price still high for normal user, if price drop may be have a lot of user used it all network.
However when I final develop and complete my EA I will using MQL5 Cloud Network for optimization. It is very great solution for optimization, I recommend to have experiential to use it.
recommend to try first $10 or $20 for try using MQL5 Cloud Network you will know
compare ratio proportion (not confirm, it possible)
140,000 steps optimization = cost $7+
120,000 steps optimization = cost $6+
100,000 steps optimization = cost $5+
80,000 steps optimization = cost $4+
60,000 steps optimization = cost $3+
40,000 steps optimization = cost $2+
20,000 steps optimization = cost $1+
10,000 steps optimization = cost $0.5+
5,000 steps optimization = cost $0.25+
if you steps optimization is over 40,000 steps or over 24 hour good to try MQL5 Cloud Network it may be complete in 20 minute or half hour. cost just $2.
anyone have more information about solution for optimization fast in low cost please help to advise
I finish my testing optimizations
My often optimizations is 70,000 step and 130,000 step optimizations calculate each time.
MQL5 Cloud Network still best and great solution for optimizations EA. (except expensive or have cost)
if time is still primary importance for you develop MQL5 Cloud Network is only solution for you, you can get result in ten minute or 1 hour and can finish you work in same day or 2-3 day
Use you own PC calculate use a lot of time of stand alone server still use more time like PC
I not have server and my notebook is use for working can not using calculate 24 hour only one function. I test rend VPS.
I test VPS 1 month budget $10 x 2 VPS. for 1 CPU and 1 GB each, calculate 120,000-130,000 task/step use time 3 days.
I recommend MQL5 Cloud Network, because business for time can't waiting.
Problem VPS, you need to config to no sleep or save power option, I found one VPS look like sleep with I close remote desktop and let it run on server, when I access to see result it like CPU wake up and continue calculate, set VPS to
Recommend VPS 2GB ram better 1GB ram, and I testing 2 CPU or 4 CPU 1 hour is not Fast, it work like 1 CPU, 4 CPU like 1 CPU, 2 CPU same like 1 CPU, fast a little bit. expensive cost for 2-4 CPU.
I try use MQL5 Cloud Network on VPS compare on my PC,
it better for MQL5 Cloud Network run on VPS, may be because connect to network very fast and always works.
for my PC some time use on USA network, some time Europe network, sometime not work. may be because connection from local ISP network is slow on peak user time.
Average time for calculate VPS like a clock run average fastest is 1 second per task/step for short period and low calculate, less variable factory generate on setting
and if high calculate may be 2-4 second per task/step, I use too much variable optimization.
Compare budget $100 USD.
$100 USD. MQL5 Cloud Network can calculate for 130,000 task/step for you cost $6 each x 16-17 optimization project = 102 USD. ( use time 1-2 hour per optimization = 48 hour with 16 project 130,000 task/step)
$100 USD. with budget VPS 1 CPU 1GB ($10 x 10 vps) , on 1 month (30 days) may be can calculate project = 3 days per optimization x 10 time x 10 vps = 100 optimization project but it cost time can do for personal but can't for business.
options $1000 USD for new PC for calculate optimization.
Think, paid for MQL5 Cloud Network and use you time to you business.
Cost rank/Budget limited
1. You own PC/Server (use time calculate)
2. Rent budget VPS 1 CPU 1GB (long time calculate)
3. MQL5 Cloud Network (But very fast and Save time a lot)
Time Rank/ Fast Ranking
1. MQL5 Cloud Network always Top (But expensive, still high cost)
2. You own PC/Server (Free, but your PC/laptop can not use for other function 1 day or 2-3 days)
3. Rent budget VPS 1 CPU 1GB (low cost)
TIME calculate, Recommend to run optimize until optimization it finish itself for best value you can get don't stop just think nearly best value on result, may be take a time more over show remain in firs time +20% - 40% because optimization expend more generation step to calculate until finish.
Use MQL5 Cloud Network must me check test EA and check code before use it because it is cost.
all calculate is cost no matter what when use MQL5 Cloud Network is very fast and cost you.
my mistake is not try use EA and check code error before use MQL5 Cloud Network , some time I run test with error , it fast calculate and made me cost of use network a lot (many time).
plan to use MQL5 Cloud Network is better, and add more budget to project.
Limited calculate only max 64 bit optimization
200,000 steps optimization = cost $10++140,000 steps optimization = cost $7++
120,000 steps optimization = cost $6++ (2 hour+)
100,000 steps optimization = cost
80,000 steps optimization = cost $4++
60,000 steps optimization = cost $3++ (1 hour+)
40,000 steps optimization
= cost $2++
20,000 steps optimization = cost $1++
10,000 steps optimization = cost $0.5++
5,000 steps optimization = cost
$0.25++ (5 minute+)
2,500 steps optimization = cost $0.13++ (3 minute+)
Time average calculate may be 1000 task/step per Minute(512 agent) very fast and help save time a lot. get you answer in ten minute.
Other Idea, my request for Metatrader 5 to Metatrader develop team, may be add support to 512 bit calculate and can use GPU for calculate is great solution
my PC and laptop have Nvidia GPU and support CUBA , if MT5 optimization can use GPU
Anyone have great solution for FAST Calculate and very LOW COST please help to advise, Thank you for advance.
3. Rent budget VPS 1 CPU 1GB (low cost)
This is completely unfeasible.
No VPS vendor would allow such intensive CPU usage for such a long time.
You will be removed from service in a very short time.
Moreover,a VPS with 1 or 2 CPU core is not powerful enough to support your testing needs.
Hi Demoinvest,
How about buying and networking 10 used business desktops.
For example it's possible to buy Dell small form factor desktops with a i5 4590 CPU for about 150-200 euros on Ebay.
Stack them on top of each other. You can create a script to start them all up at the same time (WOL) and shut them down at the same time (find details online).
In the long term it will be cheaper than renting from the cloud.
Good luck :)
Make your code more efficient. I would never to a messily 2000 steps on the cloud, as it can easily be done on my own PC because my code is efficient.
If your code is not efficient then obviously you will need to pay for the extra resources that will be consumed on the cloud to be able to curry out your tests.
In essence:
- bad, slow code = expensive cloud usage
- good, fast code = cheaper cloud usage (only if really needed)
Make your code more efficient. I would never to a messily 2000 steps on the cloud, as it can easily be done on my own PC because my code is efficient.
If your code is not efficient then obviously you will need to pay for the extra resources that will be consumed on the cloud to be able to curry out your tests.
In essence:
- bad, slow code = expensive cloud usage
- good, fast code = cheaper cloud usage (only if really needed)
hello. i have optimized and used as least memory and functions as i could but still this function which calculates the total profit of all open positions performs so slow. especialy when the opened positions are more than 3. can you please suggest any other method to do the same thing with less load on cpu?
thanks in advance.
double EAprofits() { double totalPositionProfit = 0; for(int i = PositionsTotal() - 1 ; i>=0 ; i--) { ulong posticket = PositionGetTicket(i); if(PositionSelectByTicket(posticket)) { if(PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL) == _Symbol && PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == Magic) { CPositionInfo pos; pos.SelectByTicket(posticket); totalPositionProfit += (pos.Profit() - Lots/SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN))*CommissionForMinLot - pos.Swap()); } } } return (totalPositionProfit); }
EAs : Don't do per tick what you can do per bar, or on open.
If you are waiting for a level, don't reevaluate, wait until price reaches it (or a new bar starts, and you recalculate.)
If you are waiting for an order to close, only look when OrdersTotal (or MT5 equivalent) has changed.
How to get backtesting faster ? - MT4 - MQL4 programming forum (2017) -
Indicators: Code it properly so it only recomputes bar zero (after the initial run).
How to do your lookbacks correctly. (2016)
3 Methods of Indicators Acceleration by the Example of the Linear Regression - MQL5 Articles. (2011)
Or, reduce Tools → Options (control+O) → Charts → Max bars in chart to something reasonable (like 1K.)
hello. i have optimized and used as least memory and functions as i could but still this function which calculates the total profit of all open positions performs so slow. especialy when the opened positions are more than 3. can you please suggest any other method to do the same thing with less load on cpu?
thanks in advance.
The posted code will not optimal should not be "so slow". What is "so slow" for you exactly ?
double EAprofits() { double totalPositionProfit = 0; for(int i = PositionsTotal() - 1 ; i>=0 ; i--) { ulong posticket = PositionGetTicket(i); if(PositionSelectByTicket(posticket)) this is useless as you position is already selected by PositionGetTicket() { if(PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL) == _Symbol && PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == Magic) { CPositionInfo pos; pos.SelectByTicket(posticket); again useless, your position is already selected no need to use yet an other way to select it totalPositionProfit += (pos.Profit() - Lots/SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN))*CommissionForMinLot - pos.Swap()); use either class (CPositionInfo) or raw functions PositionGetXXXX(), don't mix them without a very good reason how is that your "Lots" is not dynamic, from PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME) ? don't call a function returning a const in a loop, call it once outside the loop } } } return (totalPositionProfit); }

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HI, everyone
Please help to advise.
My optimization too long waiting time, now MT5 agent can calculate at 27905 of 129024 steps use time feel day 20:42:52/95:44:21 time remain for 4 days (I think time 95 hour for my cpu 8 core right?)
My laptop is core i7 2.8 MHz processor local 8 core agent, it work all cpu full 100% use calculate MT5 only not work other application.
How fast for XEON CPU server calculate? Do with High performance CPU can help calculate fast?
How fast for AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 32 cores 64 threads can calculate?
How about MQL5 Cloud Network I am interesting to use. but how fast of Cloud Network help to get fast result of 129024 steps optimization calculate?
How fast for calculate 129024 steps with MQL5 Cloud Network? (in 4 hour or 12 hour or 24 hour or what?)
How cost of calculate 129024 steps with MQL5 Cloud Network? (how price just $1 dollar $2 Dollar or $5 dollar)
How can I calculate cost of MQL5 Cloud Network? I would like to check cost before over budget.
Can MQL5 Cloud Network calculate over 1000 agent on same time?
For low cost I think may be rent cloud VPS for $10 month ($20 for 2 CPU) and run it all week may be take time a week to 10 days
if MQL5 Cloud Network can do on cost $1-$2 may be better and can do again multiple time.
if MQL5 Cloud Network is expensive more $10 Dollar with VPS on cloud may be low cost more.
Thank you for advance for every help answer and advise ?