Filter orders from the pool by Symbol


Hi there, need to filter open positions from the pool by its symbol to properly calc its breakeven.

Through this code, I can get just values from the chart symbol:


Also tried this way but makes no sense:


And this one:

                  VT+=Volume;Alert(PS," volume total is ",VT);
                  BE+=(OP*Volume)/VT;Alert(PS," breakeven is ",BE);
               Alert(PS," breakeven at ",OP+(PartialClose1*10)*SPoint);
                  VT+=Volume;Alert(PS," volume total is ",VT);
                  BE+=(OP*Volume)/VT;Alert(PS," breakeven is ",BE);
               Alert(PS," breakeven at ",OP-(PartialClose1*10)*SPoint);
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
David Diez:

Hi there, need to filter open positions from the pool by its symbol to properly calc its breakeven.

Through this code, I can get just values from the chart symbol:

Also tried this way but makes no sense:

And this one:

Any idea? Thanks in advance.
string FindSymbol;
FindSymbol="EURUSD";//as example

if(OrderSymbol()==FindSymbol) //calculate.....

Try this....

David Diez:

Hi there, need to filter open positions from the pool by its symbol to properly calc its breakeven.

Through this code, I can get just values from the chart symbol:

Also tried this way but makes no sense:

And this one:

Any idea? Thanks in advance.

Result of PositionGetSymbol() is not boolean but a string

Nikolaos Pantzos:

Try this....

That way I'll have to make at least 30 lines of code, I think must be a better way.

Mladen Rakic:

Result of PositionGetSymbol() is not boolean but a string

Yes but this isn't also working properly:


Have any idea to solve the issue? It's for managing deals automated from a single chart.

David Diez:

Yes but this isn't also working properly:

Have any idea to solve the issue? It's for managing deals automated from a single chart.

if(PositionGetSymbol(i)==_Symbol) ...
Mladen Rakic:
Just doesn't work as expected for this purpose, need to work all the symbol from a single chart.
Nikolaos Pantzos:

Try this....

Mladen Rakic:

Hi all, got a solution clean and simple:

void OnStart(){
   double Long=0,Short=0;
   for(int s=0;s<SymbolsTotal(false);s++){ // Define a counter loop for all broker symbols.
      string CurrentS=SymbolName(s,false); // Declare current working symbol from the loop.
      for(int i=0;i<PositionsTotal();i++){ // Here it goes the main loop for the advisor tool.
         ulong Ticket=PositionGetTicket(i);      
            string PS=PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);       // Declare position symbol value.
            if(PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL)==CurrentS){   // Check if position symbol is current working symbol.
               int SD=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(PS,SYMBOL_DIGITS); // Declare symbol digits to get its value.
               Alert(PS," symbol digits are ",SD);              // Print symbol digits value for each symbol.
                  Long++;if(Long>0){Alert(PS," buy orders are ",Long);}       // Count long orders from each symbol and print its value.
                  Short++;if(Short>0){Alert(PS," sell orders are ",Short++);} // Count short orders from each symbol and print its value.
Now I got another problem by trying to get breakeven price explained in this new topic:
David Diez:
Now I got another problem by trying to get breakeven price explained in this new topic:

Why open a new topic when it is related to this??

Continue posting here.

I have deleted the new topic.

David Diez:

This topic is outdated, Keith. I'm posting elsewhere.

How can it be outdated?

The code that you have just posted is obviously connected.