Why doesn't this EA only print changing Bids? - page 2


AWESOME!!!!! That works!!!

Its all just 0 after Digits; why use 8? Working without it, but I'd like to know why you prefer 8

Its from documentation not me. 8 is for any two doubles(its calculated to be minimum diffeeence allowed for double size). 
But for 2 prices you can use _Point as Ernst suggested which is the smallest difference for forex prices.
Its working without it because the min difference for two forex bids is Point which is larger then 8 decimals
//|                                                       Change.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

double NormalizePrice(double x)
   double TickSize=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);

double BidPrevious;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

      BidPrevious=Bid;  // only when printed


Like to use that function instead as I heard horror stories about Normalize Double

Amir Yacoby:
Its from documentation not me. 8 is for any two doubles(its calculated to be minimum diffeeence allowed for double size). 
But for 2 prices you can use _Point as Ernst suggested which is the smallest difference for forex prices.
Its working without it because the min difference for two forex bids is Point which is larger then 8 decimals
     BidPrevious=Bid;  // only when printed


I realize Ernst suggested comparing to _Point instead of 0 however I don't think I'm understanding your reasoning about the usage of _Point in your version of the solution or in any of the solutions in this thread; Where would you suggest using _Point in there? Instead of 0 in order to have a larger reference to compare so as to keep a more noticeable bias or something along those lines? You really think its going to make a difference?

     BidPrevious=Bid;  // only when printed


I realize Ernst suggested comparing to _Point instead of 0 however I don't think I'm understanding your reasoning about the usage of _Point in your version of the solution or in any of the solutions in this thread; Where would you suggest using _Point in there? Instead of 0 in order to have a larger reference to compare so as to keep a more noticeable bias or something along those lines? You really think its going to make a difference?

Normalize to tick size as you did is better then point. 

Try: Print(DoubleToString(Bid));

Apparently something went wrong when I tried this approach on my own first before posting and after trying this approach again I can confirm it was in fact also a working solution. Many thanks
Ernst Van Der Merwe:

Apparently I was also incorrectly implementing your solution as I can now confirm its also a working fix. THX

Should've posted my incorrect code so as to be clear what was doing wrong and be further educated