receiving payments and invoice


Good morning,

I need information. I am a freelancer and or a company in Italy.

I registered on the site to sell my indicators, my Ea, and my signals.

If I could sell a signal I would get money. Who should I make the bill for? In Italy we are obliged to issue an invoice / receipt in the case of sale or receipt of money.

Thank you.


You can send a receipt to your buyers.
Fabio Costanzo:

Good morning,

I need information. I am a freelancer and or a company in Italy.

I registered on the site to sell my indicators, my Ea, and my signals.

If I could sell a signal I would get money. Who should I make the bill for? In Italy we are obliged to issue an invoice / receipt in the case of sale or receipt of money.

Thank you.


First translate your title into english too.

As for your seller question, you can register in as a company and then its your personal responsibility to write and/or send an invoice for any purchase. doesn't offer this invoice option when a sale is done.

So will they send me the data to issue the bill? I read of the case of supplying signals, for example, one cannot know who is the recipient of the signals ...
Fabio Costanzo:
So will they send me the data to issue the bill? I read of the case of supplying signals, for example, one cannot know who is the recipient of the signals ...

Nobody will send you any invoice details, because you don't know who the buyer or subscriber (in the case of a signal) is.

If they contact you through PM and ask you for an invoice you can then ask for their details in order to write and send your invoice.

Eleni Anna Branou :

Nessuno ti invierà alcun dettaglio della fattura, perché non sai chi sia l'acquirente o l'abbonato (nel caso di un segnale).

Se ti contatti tramite PM e ti chiedo una fattura, puoi richiedere i dettagli per poter scrivere e inviare la fattura.

Thank you very much for the information. But if nobody should contact me, how do I make the bill? I can't avoid making it otherwise I would run into salaries

Fabio Costanzo:

Thank you very much for the information. But if nobody should contact me, how do I make the bill? I can't avoid making it otherwise I would run into salaries

I don't think that any seller here in sends any invoices to any buyer or subscriber.

You can send your MQL5 account's incoming and outgoing payments as proof of your MQL5 transactions to your accountant and he/she will make a total of your net income for tax purposes.

This is what I do and I believe is the right course of action. does not issue any kind of invoices for those transactions.

Eleni Anna Branou :

Non credo che nessun venditore qui su invii fatture a nessun acquirente o abbonato.

Puoi inviare i pagamenti in entrata e in uscita dal tuo account MQL5 come prova delle tue transazioni MQL5 al tuo commercialista e lui / lei realizzerà un totale del tuo reddito netto a fini fiscali.

Questo è quello che faccio e credo sia il giusto modo di agire. non emette fatture di alcun tipo per tali accordi.

Thank you. Then I'll do it too. Thanks for your help