epayments for US Residents?? - page 2

Yes being that I live in the United States 
I’d love for PayPal to stay 
If PayPal doesn’t work out 
Will there be a alternative to withdraw for United States residents 
So what is the easiest way to deposit into my account? The current offerings are very slow, Does Mql5 accept payment directly for vouchers instead?
Bruce Webb:
Yes being that I live in the United States 
I’d love for PayPal to stay 
If PayPal doesn’t work out 
Will there be a alternative to withdraw for United States residents 

MetaQuotes told that paypal will be accepted to be used in the first days of September (look at my posts above on the thread).

But I am not a "fully informed guy" sorry ... but as far as I understand -  they (MetaQuotes) are changing the company's jurisdiction (to be in EU or in the US).
And that is why it takes so long time ...


How do I know?

  • Which country did you see on the left side of this page https://www.mql5.com/en/contact (the service desk page) - few months ago?
    Bahamas ...
  • Which country do you see now?
    Cyprus (European Union)

If they finally decide to be located in the US so it will be good for all of the users of the forum incl Russian users as well (I am talking about money, regulations, etc).


So, we need to wait ... paypal will definitly be accepted from/to for example (in the first days of September).
If not - let me know on this thread - and I will ask the admins to update the situation on this part of the forum.

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I am using paypal too but it is not related to this portal/forex etc.
So, I understand the situation (related to paypal).


And that it why I told the following: it depends on the country (your country as we did not have a choice ... to be born ...). And it depends on the regulations on the country ...

  • if the government of some country can easy look at any transaction of their citizens - so they are not implementing any limitation (example: offshores - Bahamas etc, the US in some cases, the EU in some cases as well; Russia in case of Webmoney; etc);
  • if the government is having the difficulties to controll everything related to the money (I am talking about our cases such as Freelancers, etc) - so the citizens of the country are having a lot of the limitations concerning ther payment getaways.


Thus, everything depends from where you are from sorry.

please add payoneer.com  as withdraw method its better
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International Online Payments: Quick, Secure & Low Cost | Payoneer
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