Unable to receive sms - page 3

Sergey Golubev:

This radio button is related to telegram?
I am not using telegram so personally I can not help related to telegram button sorry (I do not have any experience with telegram).

It may be disactivated because of the following:

  • telegram is prohibited in the country by the country law, or it is prohibited for some period of time in the country (for example - it is prohibited in China),
  • internet issue,
  • telegram issue,
  • more.


    Some people told that telegram may be used as alternative way to get sms from mql5 in case of verification as a seller. And that is why I know about telegram.
    But I have no idea about telegram to be used to withdraw money from mql5 (do we have this option or not).

    I have same proposal which I made on the other thread -

    Yes Sergey, this radio button is related to telegram.

    I had used it few days ago for money withdrawal and I was successful, but now is deactivated.

    I know there is a problem for sure,  so I appreciate you to contact service desk and let us know how we can solve the problem, or will this be solved by time?

    I ll try by this way now and i ll report by tesr result.
    I ll install desktop telegram and test it.
    Taher Halimi:

    Yes Sergey, this radio button is related to telegram.

    I had used it few days ago for money withdrawal and I was successful, but now is deactivated.

    I know there is a problem for sure,  so I appreciate you to contact service desk and let us know how we can solve the problem, or will this be solved by time?

    If it is related to telegram so how MQ can fix it?
    telegram should fix ...


    Anyway, let's wait for the several days (I think - the service desk is overloaded now by many requests, by past requests related to paypal which were solved, and more).

    If nothing will be changed within several days from now - let me know, and I will inform the service desk about the following (I will inform only):

    • using telegram possibility to get sms in case of withdrawal money from mql5;
    • possibility to install PerfectMoney instead of Webmoney (it is proposal of one user on the post #18).

    I will confirm (will co-ordinate) my text (about what I will be going to send to the service desk) with all of you on the thread before sending my request to the service desk.

    But I will send a request to the service desk for their information only (for their consideration) by summarizing everything which I was reading on the threads related to subjects we discussed, for example:

    1. telegram ...
    2. PerfectMoney ... more? any other?
    3. ... more


    But we should wait for the several days (for 2 or 3 days from today) ... because let them finish some fixing which they started last week for example).

    Sergey Golubev:

    If it is related to telegram so how MQ can fix it?
    telegram should fix ...


    Anyway, let's wait for the several days (I think - the service desk is overloaded now by many requests, by past requests related to paypal which were solved, and more).

    If nothing will be changed within several days from now - let me know, and I will inform the service desk about the following (I will inform only):

    • using telegram possibility to get sms in case of withdrawal money from mql5;
    • possibility to install PerfectMoney instead of Webmoney (it is proposal of one user on the post #18).

    I will confirm (will co-ordinate) my text (about what I will be going to send to the service desk) with all of you on the thread before sending my request to the service desk.

    But I will send a request to the service desk for their information only (for their consideration) by summarizing everything which I was reading on the threads related to subjects we discussed, for example:

    1. telegram ...
    2. PerfectMoney ... more? any other?
    3. ... more


    But we should wait for the several days (for 2 or 3 days from today) ... because let them finish some fixing which they started last week for example).

    thank you very much Sergey, 

    ok we will wait for couple of days and hope that it will be fixed.

    but the problem for the telegram is related to MQ not telegram, because I can not select telegram method in this site now and but I could select it few days ago.


    Dear Sergey

    My test result on telegram attached as image here.

    I have telegram on my desktop, it work well.

    As you see in attached image, telegram radio button is disable . MQ disable it itself and don't relate to telegram.

    We are waiting in next days and hope for good news.


    Today i had test again.
    Still we cant recieve sms in Iran.
    Still Telegram Radio button is disable.
    Still we cant withdraw.

    Hamed Dehghani:
    Today i had test again.
    Still we cant recieve sms in Iran.
    Still Telegram Radio button is disable.
    Still we cant withdraw.

    I have checked a few mins ago, telegram was working and I received the code by telegram, but the transaction could not complete and gave an internal error of the web site.

    Hamed Dehghani:
    Today i had test again.
    Still we cant recieve sms in Iran.
    Still Telegram Radio button is disable.
    Still we cant withdraw.

    Hamed Have you checked?

    could you withdraw?

    Telegram backed.
    I succeed to withdraw to my pay pal successfully.
    Lets go for more works.
    i have same issue for both telegram and sms.