I want to draw rectangles on top of wicks - trying to use OBJ_RECTANGLE



I want to superimpose a rectangle on top of wicks. I'm trying to use ObjectCreate(OBJ_RECTANGLE).

But the rectangle that gets drawn is not 'ON' the wick - its to the left (or right).

I am using Time[0] and Time[1] to give the x coordinates of the rectangle. And the prices for the y coords.

The y coords is fine.

I can't adjust the x positions by adding/subtracting time units from the time.

How can I best do this? Am I going about this the wrong way perhaps?



      if (close > open){
         Print("Time[0]: " + string(Time[0]));
         datetime time1 = Time[0];
         datetime time2 = Time[1];
         //time1 = time1 - (60*10);
         time2 = time2 - (60);
         Print("Time1: " + string(time1));
         ObjectCreate("BullUp"+string(rectangle), OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1, close, time2, high);
         ObjectCreate("BullDown"+string(rectangle), OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1, open, time2, low);
In MT4 you can only draw from center of one candle to center of another. Subtracting 60 will not work.

Thank you William - won't waste more time on it.

I wonder if i need to write a custom indicator.

William Roeder:
In MT4 you can only draw from center of one candle to center of another. Subtracting 60 will not work.

Thank you William - won't waste more time on it.

I wonder if i need to write a custom indicator.

Maybe a custom indicator using:


Multicolored candlesticks

I'm not 100% sure this is available in MT4, but this page mentions it:

So, you simply make the new candles extend from the high to the low. That could be the rectangles you seek.