Indicator Disappears when compiled


when i compile the indicator it stops working 

there is no error in the code only two warnings 

its working fine but when i open it in the metaeditor and compile again (with or without making any changes) , it stops working,what could be the problem?

thanks in advance

//| v.12.04.07 |                                            SSRC.mq4 |
//+------------+              Spearman,                              |
//|            |              Rosh                                   |
//|            |              È ïðèìàçàâøèéñÿ ê íèì                  |
//|            |              Bookkeeper, 2007, |
#property copyright ""
#property link      ""
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_maximum  1.3
#property indicator_minimum -1.3
#property indicator_level1   0.9
#property indicator_level2  -0.9
#property indicator_level3   0.8
#property indicator_level4  -0.8
#property indicator_level5   0.7
#property indicator_level6  -0.7
#property indicator_levelcolor DimGray
#property indicator_buffers  1
#property indicator_color1   Maroon
//---- input parameters
//---- Snake 
extern int    SnakeRange   =3; 
extern int    FilterPeriod =21; 
extern double MartFiltr    =2;
extern int    PriceConst   =0; // 0 - Close
                               // 1 - Open
                               // 2 - High
                               // 3 - Low
                               // 4 - (H+L)/2
                               // 5 - (H+L+C)/3
                               // 6 - (H+L+2*C)/4
//---- buffers
double SRCBuffer[];
double Axis[];
double Mart[];
#define SIGNAL_BAR 1

//---- SpearmanRankCorrelation
int    rangeN = 14; //   = 30 maximum
double R2[];
double multiply;
int    PriceInt[];
int    SortInt[];
void MartAxis(int Pos) { int SnakeWeight,i,w,ww,Shift;double SnakeSum;
switch(PriceConst) {
case  0: 
case  1: 
case  2: 
case  3: 
case  4: 
case  5: 
case  6: 
  break; }
for(Shift=Pos+SnakeRange+2;Shift>Pos;Shift--) { SnakeSum=0.0;
SnakeWeight=0; i=0; w=Shift+SnakeRange; ww=Shift-SnakeRange;
if(ww<Pos) ww=Pos;
while(w>=Shift) { i++; SnakeSum=SnakeSum+i*SnakePrice(w); 
SnakeWeight=SnakeWeight+i; w--; }
while(w>=ww) { i--; SnakeSum=SnakeSum+i*SnakePrice(w);
SnakeWeight=SnakeWeight+i; w--; }
Axis[Shift]=SnakeSum/SnakeWeight; } return; }
double SnakePrice(int Shift) {
switch(PriceConst) {
   case  0: return(Close[Shift]);
   case  1: return(Open[Shift]);
   case  2: return(High[Shift]);
   case  3: return(Low[Shift]);
   case  4: return((High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/2);
   case  5: return((Close[Shift]+High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/3);
   case  6: return((2*Close[Shift]+High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/4);
   default: return(Close[Shift]); } }
void SmoothOverMart(int Shift) { double t,b;
return; }
double SpearmanRankCorrelation(double Ranks[], int N) { double res,z2;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { z2 += MathPow(Ranks[i] - i - 1, 2); }
res=1-6*z2/(MathPow(N,3)-N); return(res); }
void RankPrices(int InitialArray[]) { double dcounter, averageRank;
int i, k, m, dublicat, counter, etalon; double TrueRanks[];
ArrayResize(TrueRanks, rangeN); ArrayCopy(SortInt, InitialArray);
for(i=0;i<rangeN;i++) TrueRanks[i]=i+1; 
ArraySort(SortInt, 0, 0, MODE_DESCEND);
for(i=0;i<rangeN-1;i++) { if(SortInt[i]!=SortInt[i+1]) continue;
dublicat=SortInt[i]; k=i+1; counter=1; averageRank=i+1;
while(k<rangeN) { if(SortInt[k]==dublicat) {
counter++; averageRank+=k+1; k++; } else break; }
dcounter=counter; averageRank=averageRank/dcounter;
for(m=i;m<k;m++) TrueRanks[m]=averageRank; i=k; }
for(i=0;i<rangeN;i++) { etalon=InitialArray[i]; k=0;
while(k<rangeN) { if(etalon==SortInt[k]) { 
R2[i]=TrueRanks[k]; break; } k++; } } return; }
int init() { IndicatorBuffers(3);
SetIndexBuffer(0,SRCBuffer); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(1,Axis); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_NONE);
SetIndexBuffer(2,Mart); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_NONE);
ArrayResize(R2,rangeN); ArrayResize(PriceInt,rangeN);
if(rangeN>30) IndicatorShortName("Decrease rangeN input!");
IndicatorShortName("SSRC( SR:"+SnakeRange+", FP:"+FilterPeriod+" )");
multiply=MathPow(10,Digits); return(0); }
int deinit() { return(0); }
int start() { int i,k,limit,limit2,limit3;
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); if(rangeN>30) return(-1);
if(counted_bars==0) {
limit3=Bars-(FilterPeriod+SnakeRange+3); }
if(counted_bars>0) { 
limit=Bars-counted_bars+1; limit2=limit; limit3=limit; }
for(i=limit2;i>=0;i--) MartAxis(i);
for(i=limit3;i>=0;i--) SmoothOverMart(i);
for(i=limit;i>=0;i--) { 
for(k=0;k<rangeN;k++) PriceInt[k]=Mart[i+k]*multiply;
RankPrices(PriceInt); SRCBuffer[i]=SpearmanRankCorrelation(R2,rangeN);
if(SRCBuffer[i]>1.0) SRCBuffer[i]=1.0; 
if(SRCBuffer[i]<-1.0) SRCBuffer[i]=-1.0; } 

    //---- Ñòàòè÷åñêèå ïåðåìåííûå, â êîòîðûõ õðàíÿòñÿ
    //---- âðåìÿ ïîñëåäíåãî áàðà è íàïðàâëåíèå ïîñëåäíåãî ñèãíàëà
    static int PrevSignal = 0, PrevTime = 0;
    //---- Åñëè áàðîì äëÿ àíàëèçà âûáðàí íå 0-é, íàì íåò ñìûñëà ïðîâåðÿòü ñèãíàë
    //---- íåñêîëüêî ðàç. Åñëè íå íà÷àëñÿ íîâûé áàð, âûõîäèì.
    if(SIGNAL_BAR > 0 && Time[0] <= PrevTime ) 
    //---- Îòìå÷àåì, ÷òî ýòîò áàð ïðîâåðåí
    PrevTime = Time[0];
    if(PrevSignal <= 0)
        if(SRCBuffer[SIGNAL_BAR] - 0.01 >= 0 && 
           0.01 - SRCBuffer[SIGNAL_BAR+1] >= 0)
            PrevSignal = 1;
            Alert("SSRC lvl 0 (", Symbol(), ", ", Period(), ")  -  BUY!!!");
    if(PrevSignal >= 0)
        if(SRCBuffer[SIGNAL_BAR+1] + 0.01 >= 0 && 
           SRCBuffer[SIGNAL_BAR] + 0.01 <= 0)
            PrevSignal = -1;
            Alert("SSRC lvl 0 (", Symbol(), ", ", Period(), ")  -  SELL!!!");
return(0); }

Коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена - Spearman's Rank Correlation
Коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена - Spearman's Rank Correlation
Коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена - это непараметрический метод, который используется с целью статистического изучения связи между явлениями. В этом случае определяется фактическая степень параллелизма между двумя количественными рядами чисел. Практический расчет коэффициента ранговой корреляции Спирмена включает следующие этапы: При...
This indicator for MT4?
Spearman's Rank Correlation - indicator for MetaTrader 4

I downloaded this indicatoir and place it to indicators folder.
After that - I compiled this indicator in MetEditor - 

After that - I refreshed indicator's folder in Navigator - 

and I attached this indicator to the chart - it works:

Sergey Golubev:

I downloaded this indicatoir and place it to indicators folder.
After that - I compiled this indicator in MetEditor - 

After that - I refreshed indicator's folder in Navigator - 

and I attached this indicator to the chart - it works:


i just noticed,the link for the indicator in code is different from the indicator i am talking about

can you please compile the code i have given above?

Here is the indicator , if you want to have a look



i just noticed,the link for the indicator in code is different from the indicator i am talking about

can you please compile the code i have given above?

Here is the indicator , if you want to have a look

I compiled your indicator (indicator from the first post).
Indicator attached.

Not a problem at all (good indicator).

SSRC.ex4  21 kb
SSRC.mq4  15 kb
Sergey Golubev:

I compiled your indicator (indicator from the first post).
Indicator attached.

Not a problem at all (good indicator).

can you please have a look at the video :

i couldn't upload the video here directly so i uploaded it to the youtube and posting the link here


can you please have a look at the video :

i couldn't upload the video here directly so i uploaded it to the youtube and posting the link here

If you compile the indicator in MetaEditor so the MetaEditor is creating ex4 from mql4 source (compiling = creating ex4/ex5 files).
Because metatrader 4 is using ex4 files only (Metatrader is not using source codes).

So, after compiling indicator in MetaEditor (after MetaEditor creates new ex4 file) so you can attach this new ex4 file to the chart.
And old ex4 file may be disappeared.

It is how I understood your video.


Means: you should compile and after that - attach to the chart.
because if you attach to the chart and after that - compile so it will not work.