New computer

hi anyone knows guy , or any idea  how to move Meta treder 4 to new computer with existing EA and indicatore,dont want to loose activation for nothing...
hi anyone knows guy , or any idea  how to move Meta treder 4 to new computer with existing EA and indicatore,dont want to loose activation for nothing...

I don't think its possible, you will need an extra activation for all your MQL5 purchases.


It's not for nothing you want to run the software on a completely different machine.

What do you think would happen if you could just transfer everything between computers ? 

Marco vd Heijden:

It's not for nothing you want to run the software on a completely different machine.

What do you think would happen if you could just transfer everything between computers ? 

what u mean by transfer everything, i try to copy all files for mt4 but EA dosen't get transfer 


The activation is linked to that machine.

You can not transfer it.

Otherwise the entire licencing system would be useless.