MQL4 User directory / %USERNAME% variable string



I was wondering if there was a better way to retrieve the current user directory?

In Batch file (*.bat) its as simple as placing %USERNAME% in the desired directory path

In MQL4 I was unable to find a similar variable string

My current solution is:

int OnInit()
  string original_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH);
  string common_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH);
  // The above returns "C:\Users\myUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common"

  // The above returns "C:\Users\myUSERNAME"

  // The above returns "myUSERNAME"




TERMINAL_COMMONDATA_PATH is the only consistent variable I found that contains the USERNAME file directory

StringReplace is used to remove the excess directories (before and after) leaving myUSERNAME string.

The reason I am trying to find the username directory variable is because I want all my EA's to send screenshots to Google Drive/ Dropbox

Kind regards,

Client Terminal Properties - Environment State - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
Client Terminal Properties - Environment State - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
Information about the client terminal can be obtained by two functions: TerminalInfoInteger() and TerminalInfoString(). For parameters, these functions accept values from ENUM_TERMINAL_INFO_INTEGER and ENUM_TERMINAL_INFO_STRING respectively. Knowing the parameter value, you can set the size of graphical objects so that they look the...
Chris: I was wondering if there was a better way to retrieve the current user directory?
Why do you care? You can only read/write to the Data Folder and Common directories.
William Roeder:
Why do you care? You can only read/write to the Data Folder and Common directories.
Hi William,


The reason I am trying to find the username directory variable is because I want all my EA's to send screenshots to Google Drive/ Dropbox

I have been successfully writing screenshots to the following directory:

C:\Users\ ~myUSERNAME~ \Google Drive\Screenshots

I have a sever and two laptops that all have different username directories.
When I load my EA onto a different device I have to manually configure it to have a different ~myUSERNAME~
(otherwise the screenshot will not save)

For example...

C:\Users\LAPTOP\Google Drive\Screenshots
C:\Users\SERVER\Google Drive\Screenshots
C:\Users\ADMIN\Google Drive\Screenshots