How i can reset my MetaQuotes ID????


Hi All, 

I am using MetaQuotes ID for notification from EA. Everything is still ok , But Yesterday, I could not recieved it. I don't kow why. 

I try many time and many way! ( delete app in my mobile and reinstall , but ID not change). 

I try send another MetaQuotes ID and it send ok. (Only my ID can't recieve notification.)

If u have solution for this problem. Please help me!

Sr , my English is not good ^^!

No idea sorry ... I've never used MetaQuotes ID in EAs ..
I hope the other users will advice something.

How is this working exactly? Show the code of your EA.

I use only SendNotification of Common Function mql4. And i set ID in tab EA of option in MT4. 

Sorry, I withdraw my post because I realized it's not related to coding. I'm afraid I cannot help.

But one thing you need to take care of:

If you are going to complain you need to state as many details as possible. Even if I had the knowledge to help you, your initial description of the problem is too coarse. Please be more specific about your problem. Describe in detail what happened to you, what inputs did you use, why did it not work out for you, and support your case by evidence. That is, show us screenshots and logs that are suitable to draw conclusions about the deviant behavior. No one here is keen to mock you. Never ever we want to mock you, play with you, whatever. But we cannot see what's going on on your mobile/notebook/desktop device. And this is probably the initial reason why you didn't receive any answer first hand. Cause of not being detailed.

Not being detailed, it's a thread killer in help topics... know this.

And this could be a message to anyone reading this forum: For your own interest, be specific about your problem. You want an answer, right? You'll receive it, if you're specific.

Linh, my advice to you is, collect some screenshots and describe in detail what happens to you. Add the screenshots to your complaint. Always remember, a picture says more than 1000 words.

thanks for replay,

And i'm sorry about my initial description.

This is my screen

I send notification to my phone with MetaQuotes ID

And use ID in here

A few days ago, It send ok! But today, when i click Test, it's alert successfully, But in my phone, is not received notification from this.

When i try send another MeteQuotes ID. It can receive notification. I thinks problem in my ID.

I try delete app mt4 in my iphone, and reinstall it. But MetaQuotes ID not change. Do you know why???? 


thanks for replay,

And i'm sorry about my initial description.

This is my screen

I send notification to my phone with MetaQuotes ID

And use ID in here

A few days ago, It send ok! But today, when i click Test, it's alert successfully, But in my phone, is not received notification from this.

When i try send another MeteQuotes ID. It can receive notification. I thinks problem in my ID.

I try delete app mt4 in my iphone, and reinstall it. But MetaQuotes ID not change. Do you know why???? 

Same problem here do u solve it