Help on explation of a signal growth


Hi there,

I would appreciate if anybody can explain the mechanism of the attached Growth rate.

How is it derived and calculated?

Is the attached 17116% growth rate is accurate?

Thank you

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Husain Dana:

Hi there,

I would appreciate if anybody can explain the mechanism of the attached Growth rate.

How is it derived and calculated?

Is the attached 17116% growth rate is accurate?

Thank you

I would be very suspicious of any figures when there are are many unnecessary deposits and withdrawals. It suggests that the growth rate is manipulated.

Keith Watford:

I would be very suspicious of any figures when there are are many unnecessary deposits and withdrawals. It suggests that the growth rate is manipulated.

Keith, I cant disagree with what you said

This is the total YTD growth were the sums are a mess.

for 2018 the YTD growth is 1331%, after manually adding the monthly growth I get 363.3%

for 2019 the YTD growth is 1103%, after manually adding the monthly growth I get 364.12%

further more, the total is shown as 17116.52%, if we add the MQL5 YTD for 2018+2019 it should be 2434%.

A big question mark goes to the MQL5 community's way of calculating.

This is a very miss leading data and an action needs to be taken to protect the member.

See the attached

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To calcualte the growth rate is just a question in middle school.

Suppose the initial number is 1.

After Jun, the sum  =  1+1*0.6060 = 1*(1+0.6060)

After Jul,the sum = (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)

After Aug,the sum =  (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)


After Dec,the sum = (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)*(1+0.4515)*(1+0.1577)*(1+0.0648)*(1+0.3083) 

The YTD of 2018  =  ( (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)*(1+0.4515)*(1+0.1577)*(1+0.0648)*(1+0.3083) -1 )/1 = 13 .31




Yes, growth rate is calculated on an accumulative basis.

Problem with that...

start with $100 and increase by 50% in 1 month

balance=$150, profit $50

withdraw the $50 profit so that the balance is $100 again

increase by 50% in the next month

balance=$150, profit $50

So total profit for 2 months is $100. That's a 100% increase on the original balance.

Growth, however will be calculated to 125%

start with $100 and increase by 1000% in 1 month

balance=$200, profit $100

withdraw the $100 profit so that the balance is $100 again

increase by 100% in the next month

balance=$200, profit $100

So total profit for 2 months is $200. That's a 200% increase on the original balance.

Growth, however will be calculated to 300%

If you again withdraw the profit and make 100% the next month

total profit will be $300, a 300% increase on the original balance.

Growth, however will be calculated to 700% 

The calculated growth does not reflect the actual performance.


The other trick that some signal providers will use.

Start with $100 and open a trade using maximum leverage.

As the trade goes into loss, deposit funds to avoid a margin call

maybe deposit an additional $100

maybe deposit a further $100 to support the trade

maybe deposit another $100 as loss increases

Then, if fortune smiles, trade bounces back and makes $100 profit

Now this trade has needed a total of $400 to support it, yet all that will be taken into account is the balance when it opened. So growth for that trade will be 100%.

That is so wrong!


The calculated growth does not reflect the actual performance.

--- I agree with you.

Keith Watford:

The other trick that some signal providers will use.

Start with $100 and open a trade using maximum leverage.

As the trade goes into loss, deposit funds to avoid a margin call

maybe deposit an additional $100

maybe deposit a further $100 to support the trade

maybe deposit another $100 as loss increases

Then, if fortune smiles, trade bounces back and makes $100 profit

Now this trade has needed a total of $400 to support it, yet all that will be taken into account is the balance when it opened. So growth for that trade will be 100%.

That is so wrong!

Thanks Keith for the simple explanation. Now I understand the trick!
Ziheng Zhuang:

To calcualte the growth rate is just a question in middle school.

Suppose the initial number is 1.

After Jun, the sum  =  1+1*0.6060 = 1*(1+0.6060)

After Jul,the sum = (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)

After Aug,the sum =  (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)


After Dec,the sum = (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)*(1+0.4515)*(1+0.1577)*(1+0.0648)*(1+0.3083) 

The YTD of 2018  =  ( (1+0.6060)*(1+0.4893)*(1+1.5554)*(1+0.4515)*(1+0.1577)*(1+0.0648)*(1+0.3083) -1 )/1 = 13 .31

Thanks Ziheng

Keith Watford:


Now this trade has needed a total of $400 to support it, yet all that will be taken into account is the balance when it opened. So growth for that trade will be 100%.

That is so wrong!

Are you sure about that ? I didn't investigate but I have some doubts.