Wrong computation

int maximumLossPerTrade;
int accountBalanceinEuro;
double maximumLossPercentage;

maximumLossPerTrade = (int)(accountBalanceinEuro / 100 * NormalizeDouble(maximumLossPercentage, 1));


accountBalanceinEuro = 14232 
maximumLossPercentage = 1.8

I get 255 for maximumLossPerTrade.

But, in excel, it is 256 which is the correct value.

What is wrong in the above MQL 4 computation ?


 typecasting error

maximumLossPerTrade = accountBalanceinEuro / 100 * NormalizeDouble(maximumLossPercentage, 1);
paul selvan:

 typecasting error

Without typecasting, it again gives 255.

int maximumLossPerTrade;
int accountBalanceinEuro;
 accountBalanceinEuro / 100
14232/100=142, 142*1.8=255
          On MT4 v434, division quotient don't give floating point values(Bug??) - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum 2012.09.18

Solved it in this way:

maximumLossPerTrade = (int)((accountBalanceinEuro * NormalizeDouble(maximumLossPercentage, 1)) / 100);

Thanks William.


... or like so of course :)

maximumLossPerTrade = (int)(accountBalanceinEuro / 100.0 * NormalizeDouble(maximumLossPercentage, 1));

setting all variables as double gives good precision

double accountBalanceinEuro = 14232;
double maximumLossPercentage = 1.8;
double maximumLossPerTrade = accountBalanceinEuro * maximumLossPercentage/ 100 ;
paul selvan:

setting all variables as double gives good precision

Of course, thanks.