Banned for 10 years on my main account


Few months ago I got banned on my main account because I asked for something that was not correct on the site but I didn't know they would me ban me for such thing.
I really need that ban deleted. Do someone here know how I can contact somebody for that?
I can't type in service desk either because of ban.

Best regards,

10 year would be something severe.

That is the highest penalty possible so that should have its valid reasons.

I honestly didn't know that it would be so long or that it was possible.
I am sorry for it but I want my account back :/
Can I ask to delete ban or so?
Must be an explanation for this ban. Did you receive such?
Must be an explanation for this ban. Did you receive such?
I asked then for decompile request in freelance.
Was a mistake ofcourse but yeah..
Smith Stuggartt:

Decompiling is a huge offense, if you keep on insisting, they will also ban your new account. Let it go and 10 years is nothing.
I also become Smith because of ban, I used to be someone else. 

Ok thanks for info.
Smith Stuggartt:

Decompiling is a huge offense, if you keep on insisting, they will also ban your new account. Let it go and 10 years is nothing.
I also become Smith because of ban, I used to be someone else. 


You know it is a huge offense and hire someone to de-compile or how shall we understand this job review?


Smith Stuggartt:

Bro that is Photoshop. why you hate me so much????

This is nothing personal but a cheater is a cheater and it's obvious that you've learned nothing.
This was an original screenshot from your profile before you deleted your post a few minutes ago.

It's also reported to the Metaquotes admins and we already know who the "queen of de-compiling" is.

As you said " Decompiling is a huge offense" and they will surely go after that.

Maybe you'll learn it some day.

Daniel Stein:

This is nothing personal but a cheater is a cheater and it's obvious that you learned nothing.
This was an original screenshot from your profile before you deleted your post a few minutes ago.

It's also reported to the Metaquotes admins and we already know who the "queen of de-compiling" is.

As you said " Decompiling is a huge offense" and they will surely go after that.

Maybe you'll learn it some day.

Basically you are extremely happy when other people are banned??? I think you have a serious problem.

Nsimba Kanamua:

Basically you are extremely happy when other people are banned??? I think you have a serious problem.

I have a serious problem with stolen code and
I would be extremely happy if everyone would respect intellectual property and the rules of this platform!
ggadvanced: I asked then for decompile request …

Ask the owner of the source code to give it to you or have him fix it for you.

De-compiled code is stolen code. Either you are a thief, a fence, or the receiver of stolen (intellectual) property. Either way we will not be an accomplice after the fact to that theft.
          See also

If you post decompiled code again, you will likely be banned.

Don't tell us you found it on the 'net: if someone stole your bank details and uploaded them on to the internet, is it OK for everyone to use them because "someone uploaded it, I don't know why I can't use that"?