Payment Not Received to my Account


Dear all,


That my developer   cancel  the job in photo type, Because  he was not well , 

iam not  forward any thin regarding  this case,

But  now 03 days passed,  

Block amount still not come  back to  my account,

why is that..?

do need to forward  any thing.........

iam not  go ahead  in photo type.

iam stile in photo type  ,



I am not sure that I understand. I think - you may want to write to ServiceDesk
I am not sure that I understand. I think - you may want to write to ServiceDesk

the job cancel by the developer

because his doctor advice that he need   ENT  operation 

but the block money  not come to my account




how do i contact admin ? 




I provided the link to you :

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Payment Not Received to my Account

newdigital, 2014.05.28 07:19

I am not sure that I understand. I think - you may want to write to ServiceDesk