Can a banned user access all the services ? - page 2


I am not afraid to be banned.

I think it is a good point that your behaviour on the forum should NOT in any way affect/limit your access to other services (especially the ones which are paid) or to your money. 

I respectfully don't agree. You simply have an additional reason to have a good behaviour on the forum.
I respectfully don't agree. You simply have an additional reason to have a good behaviour on the forum.
Well, for me it is an additional reason to have a second account/username for forum only.

Just keep your-money-making-place to be safe one - and everything will be fine.

be in respect to the place you are making money with

Well, for me it is an additional reason to have a second account/username for forum only.

That wont help, until you change the IP.

Your IP is banned