Number of developers

Hi buddy, I am curious to know how many mql program developers are there in this mql5 platform? Does anyone have any approximate idea? Usually if I ask anything to the service desk, they do not answer anything except the monetary issues. That's why I am raising the question here. Would be happy to see your input.
There is somne number in this article (but those number is from 2014) - Freelance: Developers' Source of Income (Infographic) 
Sergey Golubev:
There is somne number in this article (but those number is from 2014) - Freelance: Developers' Source of Income (Infographic) 

Thanks for this. Can I find any recent data anywhere?


Thanks for this. Can I find any recent data anywhere?

I used search function (How to make a search) and I found this article only (with the number from 2014).
Why do you need it?
There are many freelances on this portal ... if you know anyone so you can create the personal job in Freelance for example ..