Experts: QuotesDemo



The Expert Advisor shows the current values of World Stock Indices from Google Finance using WebRequest function. The quotes are updated every 10 seconds.

Fig. 2. Realtime World Stock Indices from Google Finance

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.



I think i can use this to call PHP script, and get data from Mysql database from MT4 ... or this feature is only for MT5 ??

I use MT4 build 646, but can not find form to put the url  like :  "http://localhost/myphp/mysql_select.php" at  " Tools => Option => Expert Advisor"  tab ...

What is wrong ?

can anyone be kind enough to teach me how to operate my demo account?


After i upgrade MT4 to build 670, it works .... :)    Great feature !!!

Thank you very much