Have you ever managed to sell only one product in the partner program MQL5

  • 53% (23)
  • 37% (16)
  • 5% (2)
  • 5% (2)
Total voters: 43
Only one? 
Only one? 
At least one.
Rosiman :
Un Seul? 
this is so can realistically sell 2 that the question by putting a figure <1 was indecent ... lol!

Never so far...

For me 4000 clicks on my links and 0 sales.
Good there is one that is either very lucky or he has one secret weapon marketing and I encouraged him to write an article to explain.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Have you got payoff from affiliate program?

song_song, 2014.04.02 08:33

  • yes, I got since I joined affiliate program
  • no, I haven't got it though I joined affiliate program
  • I don't join affiliate program
  • I don't know what is affiliate program