Free Signal services

Is there a limit to the size of the real account for free signal services
Uriel Melliphant:
Is there a limit to the size of the real account for free signal services

You can't publish a real account as a free signal.

The ones you see are old signals from the time that it was allowed.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You can't publish a real account as a free signal.

The ones you see are old signals from the time that it was allowed.

I meant the other way around. The free signal being used to trade real account

Uriel Melliphant:

I meant the other way around. The free signal being used to trade real account

If you mean to copy a free demo signal with a real account, its also not possible through MQL5 platform.

Thanks Eleni
Dear Uriel, could you please comment about certain product? I asked you something by private message. We're not allowed to directly mention a product here in the forums, so I can't name the product, but there's an expert in the MQL5 Market that I don't know how to backtest and I think maybe MQL5 support staff has told you about it?