90% of traders lose money! True or False? - page 3

Waseem Raza:

It's True mostly traders loose money that's why ESMA set a cap for leverage and forced brokers to cancel all kind of Bonus

:-) This graphical statistic kinder illustrate who are the market maker, who just want people's money.

I think company/organization who normally regulate broker should consider having a monthly statistic which display the percentage of winner and loser per broker, if this idea is implemented by Sysec, FSB and many more other organizations, I think retail trader will have a broad perspective of which broker doesn't manipulate market inpursuite of client's investment.

Chris Mukengeshayi:

:-) This graphical statistic kinder illustrate who are the market maker, who just want people's money.

I think company/organization who normally regulate broker should consider having a monthly statistic which display the percentage of winner and loser per broker, if this idea is implemented by Sysec, FSB and many more other organizations, I think retail trader will have a broad perspective of which broker doesn't manipulate market inpursuite of client's investment.

With high leverage Traders also loosing but other side Brokers also set rules with their own wish to fail the trader, so it's a difficult for trader to gain, the only way to gain is just cut down leverage like with UK Brokers now.

Otherwise after loosing traders only tries  martin, or using Palmist created lines indicator for self satisfaction. in Real live market chart itself big indicator.


Forex trading is easy if we know the key
Atep Juyanda:

Forex trading is easy if we know the key

Running Cent accounts , Sent many traders with empty hands

For this key everyday traders loosing and Brokers enjoying it

Roger Pinheiro:

i wanna find out if the statistics is right about it, so let;s say for the last 3 months did you :

1) lose money
2)make money

and in your opinion, do you agree that the only side who makes money on forex is FX companies themselfs, and of course Interbanks.

Deevog: ...
Afaik, every broker is obligated to have this percentage somewhere on their website
There would be 89% losers if 90% gave me their money instead of waste time in trading...

In the long run, in fact, most of the traders (I mean traders here, not investors) are losing all or most of their capitals, even the bigger ones are eaten by the biggest eventually.


Greetings people,

After reading the opinions of friends here, I want to give my opinion on this discussion.
-- please I am sorry and I do apologize if anyone disagrees with me.

Yes, for sure forex trading is not easy.
This is like when someone want to be a programmer,
-- we have to study hard and train our logic,
-- until we know that we have no talent to be a programmer.

Because everyone's logic level limits are different.

Many people want to become a forex trader?

Of course it will be as difficult as we become programmer,
doctor, pilot, teacher, scientist and so on, because trader is also a special skill.
-- Not all can have it easily, although many people want it
-- because it is indeed beneficial if the special ability is owned.

Remember, trader is also a special skill and as difficult as other specialized professions.
So, before deciding to become a trader and suffer much losses,
-- We must first check our limits.
-- So, as long as we are trading by ourselves, we shouldn't blame fair losses to regulated brokers or anyone.

I am sure regulated brokers are uncomfortable and feel sad when traders continue to suffer losses.
-- That's why they provide demo or cents accounts for people can learn and make lot of practicing before use real accounts.

How to find out to what extent are our abilities?

  1. The last step before we use real account:
    --> Use a demo account with a maximum capital of only $ 1K or below.

  2. Learn specifically M/M, R/R and R/M (risk management) and
    set based on the range of price movements in at least 1 week and 1 month period.
    -- By that way the size of lots will be adjusted according to market movements and fluctuations
    -- and able to prevent margin call.

  3. Learn first how the market moves, and test our patience.
    prevent action as a gambler.

  4. Learn why and when sometimes prices run slowly, and sometimes fast or even too fast.

  5. Learn where prices go up and down, and when prices usually break through a limit.
    This limit of rising and falling prices is called as supply and demand.
    We can find it here, or even on search engine.

  6. Avoid ways that are already too commonly used by many people, or --
    any ways that most people thinking that forex is easy.

  7. Be diligent in practicing over psychological stress by believing that the demo account is a real account
    by showing the trading progress to someone we care about, or
    to someone who loves us.

  8. If for 6 months to 1 year we feel tired and uncomfortable or remain confused,
    or still feel that it is not enough regardless of the profit that has been obtained,
    and does not know when to rest,
    -- then almost certainly our logic does not reach the expertise as a forex trader,
    -- as difficult as you want to be a programmer or other profession that requires special skills.

    So it is better to look for professions that are in accordance with the highest limits of our ability in logic
    -- with diligently practice until we get it.

  9. If you feel comfortable and have patience by feeling enough with a maximum profit of below 10% per month,
    then you have that talent, and that is a good time to start using a real account.
    --> Otherwise, let's seek and practice other jobs.

If this year is your first year in forex,
you should pay attention to this knowledge before you lose a lot of money.

Why I can write like that?
Because I have been practicing as a teacher and programmer* for a long time :)
I think traders seem to be more difficult than that.

For sure traders must have additional expertise, namely extra patience.
Programmers can't do it easily, because
usually they want all their work schedules to be completed quickly, and on time.

So for sure that forex trading is not only by technical.
Technical is needed for us to practice well,
and to find out whether our logic can reach it or not.

I am just a junior here, and many programmers are more expert and have positions above me.
I use word 'programmer' just as an illustration of the difficulty.

Best regards,
and thank you.
Keep the spirit high.